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Monday, May 9, 2011


For that woman who desires to get into her husband's heart,
Who yearns to be perpetually close to her husband, never torn apart,
You constantly ponder over what it is your man wants,
You read journals, articles and posts on "What Men Want,"
You want to satisfy you man,
And make him feel loved, like a real man,
Well, look no further, all you need do is simple-Show Him True Love,
But how? You ask, well, read on,

A man wants to feel that he is in charge,
It is in his blue print; he always wants to take charge,
So sometimes you need to step back and let him provide for the family,
This is not to say you shouldn't support him, but sometimes just let him give you the money,
Make him feel loved,
Show Him True Love,
Minimize his weaknesses, magnify his strengths,
Tell him you are lucky to have him; you're confident in his manly strengths,
Still with me? Okay, read on,

You know what he likes, how and when he likes it,
Give it to him, and you won't regret it,
Sometimes even when you're right, let him have his way,
It doesn't mean you're been marginalized, it will save the day,
Save you both from unnecessary arguments, plus it is called Selflessness,
It uproots the seed of discord and the plant of bitterness,

Show Him True Love,
Make him feel you were sent him from above,
Show Him True Love,
Make Him feel he is the luckiest man on earth,
Because he married you, you are his breath,
Show Him True Love,
Adore him, submit to Him,
Show Him True Love,
Look him in the eye and tell him, "you're handsome,"
Cook for him, serve him, it doesn't mean you're his slave,
It just means that you truly love him.
Please start Showing Him True Love,
And your marriage will be a heaven on earth, trust me, it works!
True Love Works. Peace.


This is a special dedication to the man who is presently wondering,
It's a special piece for that husband who is constantly pondering,
Why the love of his life has been acting up lately,
And why she constantly nags and complains daily,

It is possible that some how in the process,
Your constant compliment of her has taken a recess,
It is possible that you no longer look her in the eye to say "I Love You, Honey,"
It is likely you have forgotten how to say to her, "You're the sweetest, Baby,"

And now she craves your attention,
Now she desires your compassion,
She wants to feel your passion,
And see your dedication,

Think about it,
When was the last time you gave her a long kiss?
When was the last time you hug her so tightly, that she felt bliss?
When was the last time you went out of your way to gave her a treat?
When was the last time you prepared break fast, and let her have a retreat?
She deserves your True Love,
If she's really your true love, sent you from above,
If you really care about that special lady in your life,
The one you call your wife,
Please take the time to Show Her True Love,
In the midst of your busy schedule, stop, take her out,
Make her feel loved, give her a sudden love-bout,
Compliment her hair, her eyes, her clothes and her body,
Understand that sometimes all she needs is to be held very closely,
So she could feel the comfort of your arms and the warmth of your body,
Show her true love and I assure your your relationship,
Would be on a smooth sail like a cruise ship,
The quarrels will cease,
Your marriage will experience a fresh breeze,
Of love, joy, and togetherness,
And you will forever part with the sadness and bitterness.