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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Within this mortal being,
Within the soul of the human life,
Deep within the very fibers of our being,
Right from creation, unto conception,
There has been a void with an insatiable desire,

A void and a desire which we try to satiate with vanities and all of life's emptiness,
A void which we try to fill with drugs, sex, and alcohol,
Some try to fill with depression, dejection, and anger,
And yet others try to fill it with entertainment, fashion, money, fame and fortune,
So we crave "freedom," from every enclave that seems to stifle our "fun",
We run from God's word because we feel living for God is boring and restricting,
We go after the world's freedom, after man's freedom,

Freedom to have sex with whomever, whatever and whenever we can afford,
Freedom to attend parties, night clubs, get high on all sorts of "fine spirits",
Freedom to just live life the way we desire,
But what happens in the end is that that which we call freedom turns out to be bondage in disguise,
Because now we are addicted to sex, drugs and alcohol,
We can't just let go off that habit, so our freedom to sin has now placed us in a bondage of sin-what an irony!
And still that void remains, and will continue to remain, 
We may try to front like we don't need God and all is well,
But truth is that void within us is a void created by God which only He can fill,
And unless you come back to God, that void will remain, gradually resulting in a life of unhappiness,
And trust me, no philosophy or teaching or meditation of man can fill that void,
For what you call peace  obtained from a meditation is only temporal quietness: real peace is from within and is long lasting.
So come back to God, for He alone can fill that void within you.


Voice of a Poet: LOVE BIRDS: BEYOND DEATH AT BARNES AND NOBLES: Good morning bloggers and fans, just wanted to let you know that the book is now available at barnes and nobles with the preview app. This w...


Good morning bloggers and fans, just wanted to let you know that the book is now available at barnes and nobles with the preview app. This way you can view sample chapters of the book before you buy it. Here is the link:


If I was the king of my castle,
The ruler of my domain, 
The master of my house,
If I was the boss, the head of my cartel, the point one man in this jungle,
I wouldn't think of anybody else, I would cruise, ride, live, dine and wine solo,
I would live unto nobody, as though there was no one else; in my own world, population one,
If it was me alone,

May be I wouldn't think about my next door neighbor,
May be I wouldn't bother about what she was crying for,
Last night when I came back from my party, in my honor,
If it was me alone,
May be I wouldn't care for the sick, lend a helping hand to those who need it,
Be a bridge of hope to the helpless, and even pay attention to the hurt of the hurting,
If it was me alone,
I would live in my mansion, sip my fine wine, cruise in my luxury cars, live like the whole world is on my shoulders,
Relax by the pool, stare from the top of my balcony, the whole world before me, 
If it was me alone,

But then I realize that, it's really not about me alone,
There is one who is seated on a heavenly throne,
One to whom I must give account of my life,
I realize that God is constantly watching from an invisible distance,
Hence, I must live to bring His name glory,
I must live to tell His story, spread His love to a world that needs it,
I must let go off my comfort and luxury, so that I can be of service to those who need it,
I must get off my high horse, humble myself and submit to the will of the almighty,
I must care because He cares,
I must give because He gave,
I must humble myself because He humbled himself and gave up His life for me,
I must live not to myself, but to the glory of the one who made me,
'Cause after all is said and done, I realize that it's not just about me alone.


Sometimes I let my flesh rule me,
I get caught up in the rat race of this world,
The urge to keep up with societal trends,
Often eats me up, often places me in a state of unnecessary anxiety and dejection,
Then I begin to pray amiss, seeking the vanities of this life, asking you for material abundance,
In the midst of my insatiable desire for that which I have erroneously accepted as important,
I forget about the most important gift of all-the gift of your son and salvation,
Then I'm awakened to my sins, to my weaknesses, to my faults, and my cracks,
I fall to my knees, knowing that I have no where else to go,
And all I can say is Lord, please help me!

Father, it's my again, your son, calling upon you this morning,
Sometimes I find myself going against your word,
Lusting after the desires of the flesh,
There seems to be a constant struggle within me, it's like a battle field,
I know that you love me, and I love you too,
I also know that I have accepted you as lord and savior,
But when I fall, I can't help but question my Christianity and my faith,
Why I still lie, cheat and covet; why I still desire the same things that I preach against,
Trying to fit into the world, trying to please man and the society, trying to be accepted of men,
Forgetting that the only acceptance, the only approval I need, is yours;
Forgetting also that at the end of my journey here, no one-not the world, not the society,
But you alone will judge me, 
And with each passing day, I realize more and more that I can't run this race without your grace,
So when I'm at my wits end, when my flesh begins to fail and falter,
I fall on my knees, bow my head in my unworthiness and cry out,
Lord, please help me!

For after all is said and done lord, my ultimate goal and desire is to sit at your right hand, 
To hear you say, "well done my son,"; so lord because there is just so much going on in my world,
In which I am constantly and daily tried, tempted and tested, I'm asking you to please, help me,
Help me to make it to heaven, to finish my race, to wear that crown you promised,
Help me to see your face in glory when you shall appear to take us home,
Lord, please help me to be a better son, a better Christian, and a better me, to be just what you want me to be, 
Help me to love you with all my heart, to chase, yearn, pant and long after you and you alone,
For with each passing day, the vanity, emptiness and worthlessness of this life stares me in the face in its stark reality,
So with each break of dawn, each rising of the sun and each going down of the sun,
I'll go on my knees and say, "Lord, please help me, 'cause I cannot make it alone,"
And after each prayer, I can leave with the assurance of my prayers being answered.
'Cause you have never ignored those who cry out to you from a pure heart. 


He(she) is the biggest star on the planet,
He(she) has a huge bank account, he rolls in money,
The flash, the cash, the endorsements, the fame. the fortune, he(she) has it all; lives life on a fast lane,
And he(she) looks good too; but problem is, he doesn't care about me, who I am or whether I live or die,
He(she) only cares if I listen to his(her) music, if I'm a fan, he(she) is all about his(her) money, the increase of his(her) fame and fortune,
Yet he(she) is the one I adore, the one I listen to, even when I know he's(she's) on a wrong path and his(her) views are twisted,
So I have exalted him(her) above everything else-
Idols in my heart,

Such is the generation we live in,
Where we have exalted idols in our heart above,
The God who cares for us and gave His only begotten in love,
We chase after the lies, the fallacies, the vanities, the emptiness,
The fashion, the fame, the pop culture, the" in- vogues", and all that is of negligible significance,
We run from the truth, the word; that which tells us to quit evil and unrighteousness,
To love God and hate sin, has suddenly become that which ticks and pricks our ears, making us uncomfortable,
So we call Christians conservatives, uptight folks and the likes, we say things like "I'm not really into God and religion",
Not that we don't know the truth, but we have chosen to ignore it and believe the lie,
Idols in our heart,
May God help us change our ways, may the scales fall off our eyes that we see clearly the deception that we now live and accept as the truth. 


They are the stars we adore,
The celebrities we scream for,
The cars we desire,
The flash and cash we crave,
The vanities and the emptiness we chase after,
They are the things we exalt above the one who has created all,
Idols in our heart,

We live in a generation filled with so many teachers,
In a world saturated with so many different ways,
Our society is constantly jostled by varying opinions of what is right or wrong,
So we turn to the T.V set, turn on the radio, pop in the latest album everyone is talking about,
And we listen with rapt attention, with desire, with adoration of the artists, of the actors, of their songs, and of their lifestyles,
So my generation have suddenly become clones, lacking a mind of their own,
If my favorite star says it's right, then I accept it without thinking about it,
Well, how do you expect me to have a mind of my own when I don't even know what I believe or don't believe or what philosophies I live by,
I don't have any standards at all, no values, so I go with everything that comes, I believe and accept everything,
Idols in my heart...


And when the pages of history are opened,
The annals of time unraveled,
And the chronicles of events recounted,
I shall be remembered;
Not for the millions I made,
But for the lives I helped shape,
Not for the cars I drove,
But for the passengers I carried on this journey of life,
Not for the mansions I erected,
But for the destinies I built.
Because I lived not for myself but for others, not for today but for tomorrow, not for the present but for the future. This is what I call my legacy, my purpose, it's why I live: FOR SOMETHING BIGGER THAN JUST ME!