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Monday, April 23, 2012


While some argue over his birth,
Others debate over his death,
Was He really born?
Is He really the one?
Was His resurrection real?
Was His redemptive power surreal?
Or was He just a mere fabrication,
Concocted for deception?
Who really is this Jesus?

Is He black, hispanic, white?
Is He really the only way, the light?
How about the others,
Who did many wonders,
Why don't they matter,
Why does it have to be Jesus, they wonder,
Questions, questions, questions,
Skeptics, skeptics, skeptics,
Critics, critics, critics,

But surprisingly, while they pose,
The philosphical reasonings,
For the many questions they pose,
While they pull out the empirical data,
Scientifically, logically and often times fallaciously and narrow-mindedly,
While they present erroneous grounds for historical comparisons,
Citing similarities and undermining a genuine reality,
They fail to ask the most important question:
If this Jesus is all the bible say He is,
If He is the only way,
If He is coming back again for His own,
If Heaven and Hell are real places,
What does this mean to me?
Who is this Jesus?
Not to the world, but to me?