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Friday, May 27, 2011


Here I am,
A herald of peace,
A messenger of hope,
An agent of hope,
A message in my heart,
A song on my mind,
A poem in my spirit,
A dream in my soul,
And a vision in my eyes,

I'm displeased by what I see,
I'm not satisfied by what we call "free",
Everywhere I turn, I see an abysmal trend,
Everywhere I look, a see a dead-end,
The young, the restless,
The wild, the mindless,
The hurt, the broken,
The despondent, the shaken,
This is what I want to change,
This is what I want to change,

But then I become concerned of what people will say?
Will they love me, will they listen if I try to show them the way?
Should I tell them what they want to hear?
Or what they need to hear?
Should I ignore my conscience and focus on making a big name?
Even at the expense of truth, focusing on fortune and fame?
But then I realize that someday I will give account,
Someday I will have to recount,
To the almighty,

So after all is said and done,
I want to say that I'm done,
I'm done trying to please the masses,
I'm done trying to ignore what the fact is,
I don't really care if the crowd loves me,
I don't care anymore if they audience is pleased with me,
I will speak the truth, even if it hurts,
I will lay out the facts even if it brings discomfort,
Because afeter all is said and done,
I realize that I'm here on earth to represent the one,
The one who was, who is and is to come,
It is in Him that I live, move and have my being,

I'm done trying to to front,
When I know I 'm nothing without God,
I'm done trying to impress the people,
Then after the lights go off, my conscience makes me cripple,
What shall it profit me if I please the people, gain all the attention,
Garner all the fame and fortune, receive all the recognition,
But in the end dsiplease my maker,
I mean after all, I will answer to Him someday, He is my creator,

I just want to spill the message in my heart,
Sing the song on my mind,
Write the poem in my spirit,
Live the dream in my soul,
And reveal the vision in my eyes,
I want to be a helping hand to the helpless man to carry on,
I want to give a shoulder to the hurting woman to cry on.
So I guess what I'm saying is,
I'm done trying to live myself,
It's time to focus on others!


One who loves you just the way you are,
One who magnifies your strength,
One who undermines your weaknesses, no matter what they are,
One you can run to when in need, like your breath,
That's a True Friend,

One who tells you the truth even when it hurts,
One who stays by in the toughest of times,
One who is willing to for your sake, take discomfort,
One who sticks by you in the saddest of times,
Now that's a True Friend,

I'm talking about one who wouldn't,
Take advantage of your vulnerability,
I'm speaking of one who wouldn't,
Take advantage of susceptibility,
That's a True Friend,

Don't know if you've ever had such a friend,
One who is willing to sacrifice their lives for you,
A very, very True Friend who stays till the end,
Through your highs and lows, always there for you,
In case you need such a friend,

Let me introduce you to a friend,
Who's been faithful to me even when I was unfaithful,
He gave it all for me, a very true friend,
Understood me when no one else did, was also truthful,

It would be your pleasure to meet this special true friend,
 I assure you that this friend would never let you down,
This friend will show up whenever you call, till the end,
This friend will not just bring you up when you're down,
But this friend will step into the pit with you, and bring you out,
I think we all need a friend like that,
Such a friend is rare in a world like ours,
But that friend does exist,
Okay, I think you get the idea,
Please let me introduce you to JESUS,
He's that friend I've been talking about,
Put your skepticism and criticism to rest,
Open your heart unto Him,
And you will not regret it.
Trust me.