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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I know you said you couldn't trust anyone,
But baby, you just have to trust someone,
We all need someone to lean on,
Someone to help us carry on,
Someone to lift us up when we fall,
And someone to answer when we call,
Baby, that's who I want to be to you,
A friend that's there to the end, always by you,
So that when your challenges are strongest,
And your obstacles strangest,
You can have someone to run to,
A friend like me, to help you go through,

Honey, I would never take advantage of your vulnerability,
I wouldn't take advantage of your emotional pliability,
Through it all, I want to be there for you,
To give you a listening ear, and arms to cry in, too,
Just a friend,
Always there till the end,
You have to believe me,
When I say, "I love you",
You have to trust me,
When I say, "I wouldn't hurt you",
For all I want to be, is a friend who values you,
A friend who cherishes you,

No denying, your beauty excites me,
And your personality captivates me,
Sometimes I wish I could take this relationship further,
And be more than just a friend, may be a lover,
But then, as much as I love you, I'm not sure if you're the one for me,
I'm uncertain as to whether we are meant to be,
So while I do a soul-searching,
And a spirit scouting,
I will be to you a true friend,
Always there till the end.


...Furthermore, the child’s PSYCHOLOGICAL transformation which is tantamount to SELF-DECEPTION, leads the child to believe it is “MATURE”. Disrespectfulness, arrogance, and derogatory attitudes towards the same people that gave birth to it- its parents, set in. So we start hearing phrases like, “I am old enough to take care of my self”, “I am no longer a baby”, “Why are you so bossy to me”, etc-all directed towards the same people-parents and perhaps, elders-may be uncles and aunts. All of a sudden, it appears the forces of YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE has won the WAR, and the trophy over this once precious child’s life has been seized by the veterans of ADOLESCENCE and the armies of the TEENAGE AGE.
          As a result of these, the mother begins to weep and sob; shedding tears of pains and sorrows as she goes down memory lane to that lovely day, which marked the end of 9 months of pregnancy and that moment in which 12 hours of labor culminated; when her once lovely child was born. She is plagued with the pang of fear and her soul is constantly being whipped with the whips of uncertainty as to where this surge of YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE will lead; it becomes her nightmare, haunting her each time she shuts her lids and lays down to sleep-both at the fall of the night, the break of dawn, and the sunset of noon. This seemingly helpless, but once joyful mother is now constantly troubled over her child’s misdemeanor and depravity.
          Then when  the pressures, forces and agents of YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE have fully ran their course, the result follows-Drug Addiction and months, if not years in the Rehab, Armed Robbery or even Murder and then Life-imprisonment or an  elongated Prison Sentence, Pregnancy or STDs, and perhaps, the termination of educational career and sometimes there is  the Pill Drive to terminate an unwanted pregnancy from a life of promiscuity-Abortion, which may lead to death or reproductive complications as simple as ruptured fallopian tubes or dysfunctional ovaries, which may lie within the borders of surgical correction or as complex as a damaged or totally destroyed uterus which can never be corrected, and then there is the Suicide mission or attempt from frustration, and dejection. Then the mother’s nightmare finally unravels, its nature is illuminated and its manifestation seen and felt. Now there is sorrow and shame, and sometimes regrets in the heart of the once joyful mother, upon the mind of the once proud father and on the faces of the once happy family members and friends. Their joy has been turned to sorrow, and their laughter to weeping and mourning. What a shame, what a sorrow?

Copyright Lysious



       It’s a lovely day; the culmination of 9 months of gestation and 12 hours of labor. A child is born, a baby delivered and an atmosphere of joy saturates the hospital room. A joy, it is, reflected by broad smiles on the face of the recuperating mother, and laughter in the deep manly voice of a proud father, as his friends say to him, “congratulations-you have done it”. Subsequently, there is so much celebration in the family at the arrival of this new born into a world so enigmatic and dynamic.
       Exactly 12 months later, it’s the baby’s first birthday celebration, and everyone especially the mother is so elated at how her little child has grown to be so cute and lovely. Then a few years later it’s time for Pre-school, and then Kindergarten, and later Middle school; the child still remains mummy’s little angel and daddy’s favorite child- it’s obedient, respectful, humble, listens to teachers, does home works, doesn’t stay up late and is the best student in class. Some more years following, the child turns THIRTEEN; a teenager and prospective High-school student. At thirteen it remains mummy’s little angel and daddy’s favorite child-as lovely as ever.
       Possessing so much intelligence, talent and character, the gates of High school flings open to the child and so do the doors of the TEENAGE WORLD. There is a distraction; to resist the pressure, overcome the pull of the crowd, face studies and remain good, or to compromise, join the crowd, take a deep plunge into the ocean of ADOLESCENCE and the waters of the TEENAGE AGE- it’s a hard choice; one which will either make or mar the child. Then there is the BIOLOGICAL PRESSURE of raging SEX HORMONES, surging within the child like the Victoria Falls of Zimbabwe. The child begins to experience an unusual attraction to the opposite sex, hence the thoughts of the desire to fulfill the lust of the flesh preoccupies the mind of the child. At this point nothing is left of its goodness; very little is seen of mummy’s little angel and daddy’s favorite child is no where to be found.
Copyright Lysious


...Further more, in order to have a better comprehension of this subject matter, permit me to offer you a free tour through an institution of higher learning. It is called the college of Marriage and Family, with millions of campuses all over the world. Here you will be taught relationship 101, Dating 102, Sex 103, and off course Marriage 104, under the tutelage of Professors like Endurance with a PhD in Tolerance, Doctor Understanding with a Masters degree in "for better, for worse" and a PhD in "till death do us part". And lest I forget, the Vice Chancellor of this college is Professor Love, with a Masters degree in Agape Love, Filial Love, Eros and off course True Love. I hope you got the point? Alright, even if you don't or haven't, you will as we move on.
     The Marriage Institute unlike every other Institute of the society, is one with so much so much uniqueness and importance attached to it. This is because it began at what I choose to call "the Garden of Beginnings"-The Garden of Eden. It is an Institution ordained by God (Gen. 2: 24), for the purpose of exchange of agape and Eros love between two people of the opposite sex as well as procreation (Gen 1: 28). It is also an institution ordained for the purpose of building godly families; thereby fulfilling God's intent for it. However, it is rather disheartening to note that we, the society in which we live, and even the government that governs the society, have both twisted and bastardized the God ordained modus operandi (mode of operation) of the Marriage Institution by acts like granting gay marriage rights, filing for unnecessary divorces, cohabiting without being married and sex outside wedlock. Which brings me to the second question. "Why ask for a divorce after marrying a man or woman you once truly loved?" "Is that to say that true love grows stale?" Well, we'll find out as we progress...

Copyright Lysious


     Growing up from adolescence to adulthood, I found myself asking a question which to me seemed difficult and rather thought-provoking-"Why Do Many Marriages and Families get broken?" A question it has been which got me thinking and brainstorming over issues of Dating, Courtship, Relationships, Sex and Marriage. A question it is remains which led to a lot of personal soul-searching, spirit-scouting, and mind-meditation, all leading me to asking the question of why two lovely people seemingly or obviously in love live the subsequent days, weeks and perhaps, years of their nuptial lives after marriage, at logger heads with each other. It is a paradox, and an obvious irony, but it is a factual phenomenon, or should I say, scenario, which has eaten deep into the fabrics of many marriages, collapsed once happy homes, destroyed many lives and killed a lot of joys. It is therefore with a deep sense of melancholy and heartfelt desire to see a change in the nuptial trend and marriage scenario of our society, that I write to share and bare my thoughts...

Copyright Lysious