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Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Woman's Desire

A loving and solicitous husband to call her own,
One who would with affection and altruism shower her,
To all her needs attend and like a woman make her feel;
And children to call her own,

To be treated with respect, equality and dignity,
To be loved, appreciated and admired,
To be exalted and made to feel proud of womanhood,
And to loose her virginity to the one she loves,

To be told how beautiful, sexy and romantic she is,
To be smothered with passionate kisses,
To be at the center of a man's heart,
And to enjoy a soulful bond with the one whom to heart she has taken.

Deep Within

Deep within lies the seed of greatness,
Not on the hills we lay hold or across the skies we mope,
Deep within lies the warrior's strength,
Not on the arms we rely,
Deep within lies the origin of true love,
Not in the pretence we show,

Deep within lies the art of friendship,
Not in the company we keep,
Deep within lies the essence of beauty,
Not on the artificiality we emphasize;
Indeed, deep within lies life's treasures,
Not in the wealth we strive for,
Of a truth deep within lies the purpose of human existence.

The Woman

A member of the female specie of man,
A help meet,
A mother,
The womb that carries the seed of life;

Not just an object of sexual gratification,
Or a mere object of sex appeal,
But a specie to be appreciated and treated with respect,
Far from being a product of cosmetic embellishments,
Or one that exudes physical beauty, as projected by a spotless face, smooth skin, a sexual profile, accentuated by feminine features,
But one that illuminates an inner beauty of character and values,

A pillar of the household,
A home builder,
A child trainer,
An economist in the kitchen.

To the One I Love, My Soulmate.

You are the love of my life,
The one I adore;
You are my jewel,
The one I cherish,

You are my priceless treasure,
The one I love;
Your face radiates beauty,
Your eyes beam true love,

Your lips speak fidelity,
Your heart bears tenderness,
And your kiss sends life down my spine,

Your touch soothes my nerves,
Your beauty drowns my sorrows,
And your body profile is an embodiment of femininity,

Your waist pacifies my manhood,
Your breast will feed heroes,
And your womb will bear greatness;
You are my soulmate,
The one that lightens up my world,
I Love You!


It is a gift from God,
When appreciated and waited for,
But a destroyer when abused and rushed into,

It transcends the borders of mere erotic instinct,
To the bringing of a passion that bonds the souls of couples,
It breaks the walls of virginity and crumbles the borders of chastity,
It rips apart the mind of innocence and desecrates the consecrated,

It is the language of womanhood, for it either makes or mars it,
It is the feminine encryption of love,
But the masculine code of pleasure,
Yielding to it does not make the man, but overcoming it does,
It is a treasure when revered, but brings pressure when abused.


It is the strength of feminity,
A symbol of purity,
An emblem of chastity,
An embodiment of consecration,
It is the pride of womanhood,
A beacon of inner beauty,
The companion of the innocent maiden;

An attractant of respect and admiration,
An enemy of sex,
A foe to man's erotic instinct,
A friend of abstinence,
A shield of the woman's nakedness.

The Path of Greatness

Ripped of its plainness by the indelible footprints of gems past,
Made rugged by the courageous feet of the brave,
A path it has become not to be trodden or plodded by the bunches of cowards;

Known only to those with a passion to tread the dusty lanes of life,
With a vision of leaving it littered with footprints of legacy;
Legacy not measured by an opulence of material possession, but by unforgettable impacts on the retentive minds of even generations unborn;

A path it is with an awful repulsion for embodiment of pessimism,
But receptive to characters of optimism,
With minds clad in courage, grit, determination and perseverance;

Adamant it has become to the stagnating law of compromise and desire for pleasure,
Narrower it becomes by the bravery, integrity, and diligence of its travelers,
Open it remains to those with a passion activated by a vision to launch themselves into the annals of time, and for themselves purchase a place in the chronicles of events,
Characterized by gems, heroes, stars, movers and shakers; it is The Path of Greatness.


From the heights and skies fell I,
Crashing with a thud, to the depths and abyss of a painful plight,
My glory turned to groaning,
Traumatized I became,
With the embittering woes of my foes,
With the perpetual jeers and sneers of my peers,
I became disgruntled;

With emotions twisted,
Like a drowning man felt I,
In the ocean of a mind made war-torn and embattled by the intricacies of an obfuscating and frustrating ordeal;

With heart in palpitation and spirit in devastation,
Trembling with the fear of the uncertainty of this precarious moment,
My soul yearned for hope,
Battered by the sudden blow of adversity, prosperity became history;

Then suddenly with my last string ready to snap,
I beheld a ray as from the heavens,
Sparking up a glow in my soul,
Like the break of dawn that precedes the darkest night,
I felt an upsurge of hope welling up on my inside;

My ray of hope has appeared,
Then rose I, with the strength of a lion and the readiness of an eagle,
To the heights and skies I must return, to take back my glory!