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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Discouraged, heart-broken, your spirit is shattered,
Depressed, dreams-broken, your soul is battered,
Deserted by all and sundry, whom to heart you took,
You feel like your life is a sad story told in a sorrowful book,
Regardless of your present situation,
In spite of your current disposition,
Don't give up,
For you are sure to rise to the top,
If you hold on,
And keep pressing on,

Perplexed, upset, annoyed, you are raging within,
Puzzled, confused, frustrated, you are lost within,
Lost sight of your life's direction,
Angry at the course of your life, void of promotion,
They say you should keep trying,
But you have lost all hopes, you are tired of trying,
It feels like the more you try the harder it gets,
It feels like the more you pray the tougher it gets,
I feel your pain and I understand,
It hasn't been easy from where I stand,
But regardless of your present situation,
In spite of your current disposition,
Please don't give up,
For you are sure to rise to the top,
If you hold on,
And if you keep pressing on,

It might take a little longer,
You might need to walk a little farther,
Before things get better,
But one thing is sure;
And this one thing I know for sure;
Regardless of your present situation,
In spite of your current disposition,
You will laugh and smile again,
You will celebrate and rejoice again,
If you don't give up,
And if you keep reaching for the top!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Where are the days when we were taught respect and regard,
Where are the days when our kids were taught civility, not disregard,
Where are the days when our kids didn't use curse words,
Not because we would smack them but because they knew not to use such words,
Sadly enough, today, I see kids as young as ten, eleven, and twelve using the f-word,
They even refer to their sisters, using the b-word,
Oh how I wail inside for the restoration of godliness in our nation,
For the return of righteousness to our generation,
And I still can't stop asking, what happened to us?

Let us return to the foundation,
Let us return to the foundation,
Please let us return to the foundation,
Have a mind of your own,
Don't be deceived by the media, from its throne,
Of deception, perversion, confusion, and misconception,
Let us return to God, for regardless, He remains our only true foundation,

What do we teach our children?
What do we inculcate in our children?
Do we ourselves even know what is right again?
Do we still know what is the right way again?
Or have our vision being blurred by the perversion of a godless generation,
Twisted by the promulgation of popular culture, given to misconception,

For except we invest in the future of the next generation,
We may find ourselves, years from now, asking about our beloved nation,
What has happened to us?


....Since when did it become cool to publicize immorality on national T.V?
The crowd cheers, we praise and celebrate an open display of moral decadence, really?
And yet you tell me my definition of wrong, may not be your definition of wrong,
When we all know that there is a clear, thick line between right and wrong,
Our children no longer have a sense of a clear moral direction,
We have lost our moral compass, lost the direction,

The good is fast becoming bad, and the bad is fast becoming good,
These days that which is bad is often celebrated, than that which is good,
Sometimes I am moved to tears when I think about the future generation,
Sometimes I am moved to tears when I think about the future of our nation,
How long shall we continue on a downward path of destruction,
Our moral and family values slipping away from our hands into the waters of oblivion,
Oh can someone please tell me what happened to us?
'Cause I really want to know...



Morality varnished,
Godliness vanquished,
We chose to be a secular nation,
Separate the church and the state, was the notion,
Family values rejected,
Anarchy is becoming the accepted,
What happened to us?

When did we become a people with no moral values,
Since when did it become cool to openly disregard God and His values,
Our kids are becoming increasingly insolent and wild,
Our family and moral values are fast disappearing, we are losing our guide,
Even the sanctity of the marriage institution,
An institution ordained by God with a fixed vision;
A man shall cleave unto His wife was the description,
But now we throw the sanctity of the institution,
To the provision of constitution,
Well, do not crucify me, do not criticize me,
For when it comes to certain things, no man or nation is the standard,
Only God's word and principles is the standard,
So it's not about me or anybody or any written document, it's about Him, not me,
So I ask, what happened to us?

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, they say; but I think true and lasting beauty is that which the heart feels, that which is beyond what the eyes can see. It's a beauty that is felt even in the absence of the possessor of such beauty. Such is a beauty that is not ephemeral but eternal; a beauty that is not artificial or superficial but authentic and internal. 

Beauty that you can see but not feel is not beauty at all. It is mere artificiality. 

You are as beautiful as you think and feel you are.
Sometimes it is not the eye-shadow, our foundation, or lipstick that makes a woman attractive; it is the way she carries herself, her confidence and her sense of her own worth. It is the strength of inner beauty that speaks louder than the emptiness which artificial beauty covers.

Don't ever let anyone make you feel you are ugly. Ugly is a word created by people who are confused about proper description. What you call ugly or beautiful is only defined by your personal perception; I don't think the word ugly is universal. For sometimes ugly means unattractive, hence you are beautiful to the one who is attracted to you. And sometimes, that's all you need-to be loved and appreciated by just one person who sees the beauty which no one sees.

You cease to be beautiful the day you begin to dislike yourself. Beauty appreciates with a sense of self-worth and self-esteem. 

I rather live with a woman whose inner beauty makes my heart merry, than a woman whose artificiality chokes me daily.

She doesn't need to have a figure-eight shape, she just needs to have the right heart shape. As long as her heart is well-shaped and beautiful, she is beautiful to me.

No society, no man, no woman, reserves the right to tell you whether you are beautiful or not. And I'm not just saying this to excite you, it is the truth. For what society calls beauty is sometimes equivalent to artificiality and superficiality. 

A beauty that I can't feel is not beauty beautiful enough for me.


...I want you to know that you are still loved,
You are still cherished and beloved,
If not by any man,
By the man who gave His life for you,
By the one who gave it all up for you,
He still cares, He still can bear,
All of your troubles and still be there,
So I bring a message of hope,
Which I believe will help you cope,
Shine a light upon your face, and make you smile again,
Regardless of your hurt, disappointment and pain,
I bring a message of hope from the prince of peace,
The one who is ready to heal and fix your life in one piece,
If only you will let Him behind those walls of your life and heart,
That He will come and heal your soul, body and heart,
I bring a message of hope from JESUS,
The only only one that has always been with us,
It's a message from Immanuel,
The one who is always with us and means well,
You may not know how to fix your life,
But would you please, let Him into your life.
So He can help you out,
'Cause this I speak about-
This message of hope,
Will never make sense to you until you let Christ into your life.
I don't bring a message of condemnation,
But a word of redemption,
A promulgation of restoration,
And a sermon of hope and salvation.


This is a special dedication,
To someone out there who needs the right direction,
It's a special dedication,
To someone who needs consolation,
From all your past hurts,
From all your pain and discomfort,
You have been so heart-broken,
That right now you are hurting and broken,
I come to you this morning, today,
I come to you on this new dawning, this day,
With a message of hope,
Which I believe will help you cope,
Regardless of your disposition,
In spite of your painful situation...



Called out, forgiven, saved and restored,
Washed, cleansed, purged and delivered,
We have been entrusted with a vision,
Given a mission,
Entrusted with a mandate,
To reach out to a world in need,
With the gospel of Christ indeed,
So let's jettison the distractions,
Regardless of the situation,
Let's press on with the vision,
Propagate the message of salvation,
To a world who needs it,
So that we don't regret it,
No matter what you do,
No matter what you are, you,
Should stay with the vision,
Spread the word, and stay with the vision.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


...So what more do I need,
Unto my inner voice I heed,
So unto this pretty maiden I walked,
To her with excitement I talked,
We embarked on this journey of love,
With the one I thought was sent me from above,
'Cause from a distance,
She seemed like the best companion for my lonely circumstance,

But now I realize that her beauty was only superficial,
Her glow and sparkle was only artificial,
That which she possessed was only ephemeral,
For deep within her being,
Etched within the fiber of her being,
Was a certain ugliness,
A certain bitterness,
And a certain sadness,
And now I regret ever inviting her into my life,
But I'm grateful I didn't make her my wife,
'Cause from a distance,
I was sure her beauty had substance,
But now I know that beyond outward beauty,
Lies a beauty which exists within one's entity,
A beauty of character and personality,
A beauty with class and dignity,
Not a beauty pivoted on artificiality,
So be mindful of she who looks beautiful from a distance,
'Cause her beauty may drain you of your life's substance,
Search for the beauty that lies within a woman.


It was hot summer afternoon,
There she was afar off, in the heat of the sun,
Her skin glistened in the sun's radiance,
Her beauty so sparkly, it created an ambiance, 
I was dumb-founded, 'cause from a distance,
She seemed like the perfect one for me,
And from the first instance, I was sure we were meant to be,

Her face was spotless,
Her legs were hairless,
Her skin was smooth and tender,
Her lips so full and sensuous, I felt like kissing her,
She had the perfect figure eight shape,
Our love together would be a perfect shape,
I tell you from a distance,
That girl looked like an angel, in the first instance...


Battered, shattered, all hopes lost,
Tossed to and fro by the winds of a dejected life,
Rejected by all, accpeted by none, but at all cost,
You desire a change in your life,
Don't be dismayed,
Don't be discouraged,
For Beneath your pain,
Lies a profitable gain,
Beneath your guilt,
Right underneath your filth,
Lies a treasure and a glorious light,
Which can put your soul on a glorious flight,
If only you will look beneath the rubble,
Look past the past troubles,
For you mess, can be turned into a message,
Which shall usher your generation into a new age,
Your many pressures,
Can all be turned into treasures,
For which your generation will be forever grateful,
And legacies you will leave which will be forever unforgettable,
If only you look within, look past, look up and look to the future.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I can hear the crowd screaming my name,
I see the media spreading my fame,
The lights are on me,
The press is on me,
I'm the subject of their attention,
An object of their obsession,
But in the midst of all these,
After all is said and done, after all these,
I realize that it's not about me,
The focus shouldn't be me,
So I go on my knees,
Sometimes I lay on my belly, asking the lord to please,
Help me to remain humble,
Sometimes I feel it is a struggle,

These words that I write,
These poems that I write,
The songs that I sing,
The lyrics I let ring,
These books that I write,
It's not so that I can be in the spotlight,
It's not about infinitesimal me,
It's not about insignificant me,
So lord I pray that when I'm on those stages,
I will reduce that you be increased, 'cause you are the rock of ages,
And I can't rock no stages without the rock of ages,
So please lord help me to take the background,
You take the lead, while I remain in the background,

Please lord let the people feel you not me,
Let them see your love not mine,
Let them hear your words not mine,
Through everything I do in this crazy world,
I want to bring glory to your name oh lord,
So please help me,
For it is about the hopeless,
That they may find hope in you,
It's not about me,
It's about the "love-less",
That they may find true love in you,
It's about the dejected and the rejected,
That they may find acceptance in you,
It's not about me,
It's about the fatherless, the motherless and the homeless,
That they may find care, love and comfort in you,
So after all is said and done,
I realize that it is about the Alpha and the Omega,
That glory and honor may be His forever,
So that a helpless and needy world may find a savior,
So amidst the attention, I realize that it is not about me, but you, my savior.


"In my father's house are many mansions,
If it were not so, I would have told you,
That I go to prepare a place, that where I am,
There you will be also",
Those were the words of Jesus to His disciples,
Those He choose, whom He personally discipled,
Those words remind me of the fact that someday,
This present cosmos, this physical universe, will pass away,
For the revelation and establishment of a new heaven,
Amidst the controversies, rebellion, debates and unbelief, there is a heaven,
And someday our savior shall return to take us home,
But as we await His second coming,
Let us endeavor to represent His name,
Knowing that His message of love remains the same,
So with everything we have: talents, money and all let us publicize His name,
As we await the second coming of our lord,
As we await the rapture of the world,
Let us hold up the hands of one another,
Let us cater for the household of faith, and help a brother,
Find the light of the world in JESUS CHRIST,
As we await His second coming,
Let us keep the fire burning,
Preach, teach, proclaim, declare,
Until the whole word becomes aware,
That JESU alone is the answer,
He alone can heal us from every cancer,
Which plagues our lives and our world,
As we await, let us occupy till He comes.


Sometimes I ponder,
At other times I wonder,
Over the depth of this love,
A love I'm sure can only be from above,
A love that loved a mess like me,
A love that loved a wretch like me,
A love that loved me for me,
And set my soul free,
It's a love so deep, a love so true,

A love it is that goes beyond man's limitation,
Cuts across the boundaries of race and ethnic restrictions,
A love that loves you regardless of your dirty pasts,
A love that can heal you regarldess of your painful pasts,
A love that is unending, unconditional, and uncompromising,
A love so true and deep, it doesn't stop calling,
On you to come to it and embrace it,
So please run to this love, so you don't regret it,
It's arms are ever open to receive you,
Just the way you are and transform you,
It's a love so deep, a love so true,

I'm not talking Eros love,
Neither do I speak of Filial love,
I'm talking of Agape love,
A sacrificial kind of love,
A love ready to give it all up for your soul,
A love that cares for your soul,
And it's not jugmental of you,
Just come to it just as you are, yes even you,
It's the love of JESUS CHRIST.
A love that suffered that you will not,
Took the pains of your sin and my sins, so we will not,
He died that you may live,
Resurrected that you will be justified, and live,
A life of righteousness, holiness and purity,
Not a life of sadness, hurt, bitterness and depravity,
Please run to this love so deep, and so true,
The love of JESUS CHRIST.
He is waiting. The choice is yours.


It's a journey bound for a destination,
It's like a project with a mission;
The life we live is a jounrey,
And sometimes it tastes so inspid, with no honey,
We set goals for ourselves, but fail to accomplish them,
Sometimes we are discouraged by these failures,
So we resign to fate, and give in to mere leisures,
I know the feeling,
I've been there before, so I can relate with your pains and feelings,

But in the midst of the struggle,
The fact that it seems with the break of dawn, our struggles double,
I've come to understand that victory is not for those who give up after the first try,
It's not also for those who give up after a thousand trys,
It's for those who keep their eyes on the prize,
And keep pressing on no matter the hurdles,
It's for those who keep their eyes on the prize,
And keep pushing no matter their troubles,

I don't know what you are struggling with,
Or what you are faced with,
May be you are tired of trying,
You are fed up and you just want to stop trying,
I urge you to pick yourself up,
And look to the top,
Refocus your eyes on the prize,
And try again, no matter the pain,
Of failures and disappointments,
Keep your eyes on the prize,
'Cause it is the continuous striking of the rock,
That collapses the entire rock,
It is the continuous dropping of the little drops,
That makes a mighty ocean,
So don't give up!
Keep your eyes on the prize!
'Cause you will get there if you hold  on!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


1. Love that is eternal is not built on beauty that is ephemeral

2. Don't be attracted to the visible without first knowing the invisible, otherwise you will end up running from the visible after knowing the invisible.

3. Except they love you for you; whether good or bad, they don't really love you. I'm just saying; true love is unconditional.

4. Love is gentle by nature. It takes its time; one day at a time. But in the end, it always ends at its destination. So, don't rush love. Let it take its time.

5. Love that starts off hastily often ends up hastily. Let your love grow; water it, cherish it, care for it and in due time, it will be ready for harvesting.

6. When I think of a perfect example of unending love, I think of JESUS CHRIST.
7. From a distance I felt attraction, but as I got closer, I felt repulsion. Go figure.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I remember the famous quote, "Live each day as if it is your last,"
Don't be held down by the failures of your past,
Do today that which you would have done tomorrow,
Make each moment count, always look towards tomorrow,
With hope, positivity, and optimism,
Never give room for pessimism,
If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well,
If it is not worth doing, it is not worth doing at all,
We all want to live forever,
But no one ever lives forever,
So live each day as if it was your last,

Ever though about it?
If today was your last day,
What would you do?
Would you give more?
Be more kind to your next door neighbor?
Appreciate your spouse more?
And pay more attention to the kids?
If today was your last day,
How would you live it,
Let's learn to live life right and well, so we don't regret it,
If today was your last day,
Are you sure of where you are headed after death?
And what happens to you when you lose your breath?
Really, what are the things that are important to you,
If you had one last thing to do,
What would it be?
Think about it.
For you have only one life to live, so live it to the glory of God,
For truth is amidst the debate, controversy and unbelief of non-believers,
We all would stand before God and be judged by Jesus Christ.
So what is your life worth, if you don't live for Christ?
Think about it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sometimes in life we are discouraged,
Sometimes on this journey of life, we feel disparaged,
Either by the pains in our past,
Or by the guilt in our hearts, heavy on our chest,
For these reasons we refuse to go up,
For these reasons we fail to rise to the top,

But I've got a word for everyone out there,
Who feels the troubles of life have left them bare,
For everyone who still battles with the pains of their past,
And everyone who still carries guilt on their chest,
Regardless of your situation,
Inspite of your disposition,
You can still be what God has created you to be,
Beacause by the blood, you have been set free,
And because He (God) says so,

Yes, you may not have come from the best family,
But rejoice because you now have an even better family-Jesus family,
And you are joint heirs with the lily of the valley,
Child of the most high,
So you must rise to the top and go high,
Why? Because God says so,

Forget the mistakes of your past days,
Accept God's forgiveness, trust in the rock of ages,
For your feet He is about to raise, and place on better stages,
So quit living in self-pity or low self-esteem.
For by Jesus, you are highly esteemed,
And no matter what society, people or even the devil says,
Ignore it, and look up to the hills,
For He would keep you from bruising your heels,
Because He says so,

You will laugh again,
Smile again,
Celebrate again,
Preach again,
Win souls again,
Live even more righteously again,
For God has wiped away all your pains,
Daily loaded you with benefits, and great gains,
And you are headed for a great future,
By the words of the scripture,
Because I am that I am says so.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


For so many years, decades gone,
For centuries to come, and generations unborn,
There has always been and will continue to be,
The question, "Is there really a God?"

As I meditate on this question,
And consider man's position,
On this matter, I can't help but ask,
Why would anyone say, "There is no God!"?

For I have considered the various unreliable theories,
Of  science, and the various mysteries,
Which it tries to unravel,
And the many secrets it tries to reveal,
But yet has failed time and time again,
And yet they fail to acknowledge the God,
Who existed even before the world began,

How can man in his fallibility and gullibility,\
Postulate a theory that disproves the existence of a higher being; it is insanity,
For even the mysteries of science to Jehovah God are simple,
Being only a glimpse of His immeasurable might,
And yet someone says, "There is no God!"

A man said to me, "show me an evidence that there is God",
I said to him, "I know I haven't seen God, no one has seen God,
But here is an eveidence that there is a God,
The existence of our world,
The creature called man,
Alongside the many wonders of Jehovah's hands,
And yet someone says, "There is no God!"

I pray to Him everyday,
He speaks to me through His spirit everyday,
I see His works in the lives of men,
How He heals, saves, forgives and restores men,
And yet someone would say, "There is no God!"

Truly speaking, it takes a fool to say, "there is no God!",
For even science knows there is only so much it can do,
Somethings science in all of its discoveries, can still not explain,
In all of its breathroughs, some events science has failed to obtain,
That  just proves man's limitations,
And the unreliability of his postulations,
Yet someone would still say, "There is no God!",

Remember the guy that said, "not even God can sink this!"?
Remember what happened to that which he spoke about?
Remember the other man that thought he could exalt himslef above Jehovah,
Not long after he lived like an animal, he learnt to worship Jehovah forever,
So don't be deceived,
Do not let this thought be conceived,
Within you, that there is no God.
Somethings we may not be able to explain,
Somethings we wonder why they happen,
But no matter what it is, it doesn't change the fact,
That there is God who rules and reigns over the affairs of men.


Okay, so the book, Love Birds: Beyond Death is now available online at all major retail outlets in the country and in Uk too. You can now obtain it on ur mobile devices; Kindle and the likes, via amazon.com, barnes and noble.com, froogle.com, scribd.com, abebooks.com, alibris.com, and iuniverse.com.For those of you in the UK, you can get it from abebooks.com, and alibirs.com. Check it out and let me know what you think. Alright folks, let's make this one a bestseller, and then when it is made into a movie, we can all go see it at the theatres.
Love question of the day: What do you do when love is both comforting and hurting?

Peace folks. Spread love not lust.

Friday, June 10, 2011


PCE Crew is a contemporary Christian music group with a positive, inspirational, and spiritual message rooted in the gospel with an afrocentric twist. The group is primarily focused on gospel hip-hop as well as other genres of gospel music. Check out their 2011 hit single, WINNA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZxqLK-U82w
Be the first of your friends to like them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F%3Fref%3Dlogo%23!%2Fpages%2FPCE-CREW%2F132246446830087&h=84c26
Also check out their website here: http://pcecrew.com/#/home/
Thanks folks. Peace.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The test is more severe as thhe harsh realities of life place Henry and Naomi in dire circumstances. Will their love for each other stand the test of time even in the event of Naomi's mother's sudden death? Will Henry still stand by Naomi in the wake of his parents' separation? Find out in this suspense-filled and dramatic sequel to the novel, Love Birds. Love Birds: Beyond Death usher us deeper into the world of our teenage sweethearts who now in college, are made to face life in the real world. Shortly after her admission into Johns Hopkins University, Naomi loses her mom to an auto accident, and Henry's family is torn apart. As the story progrsses, we feel the pain and struggle of Naomi as she battles the grief of her mother's sudden and untimely death, as well as the possibility of having to call another woman, mom. Emotions run wild, tensions get higher, and even the strongest of the love birds collapses in the face of much challenge and prssure. So what happens next? The two childhood sweerhearts let the oceans of life dissolve their love for each other, or do they weather the storms to behold a brighter day in the great beyond? Find out in this fast paced, suspense filled and dramatic novel which is available online right now at iuniverse.com. Here is the link: http://www.iuniverse.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-000464547
Grab your copy now, spread the word and be the frst to like us on facebook and start up a conversation.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Young and ambitious,
Thought I had life planned, nothing fortuitous,
Had dreams so big, some thought it was ridiculous,
Had a one-track mind, some called me ludicrous,

But as I grew older, the reality of life starred me in the face,
I realized that with big dreams come big dangers, so I needed grace,
Was hit severally by the raging storms, opposed by the tide,
Tossed to and fro by the wind of life, troubles on every side,
But Inspite of the Storm,
I still see a brighter day,
Somewhere in the future, in a new day,

Don't know how many times you have failed,
Don't know how many times you have been failed,
Don't know what valley you have been through,
Don't know what tunnel you are going through,
Just know that Inspite of the Storm,
You can still see a brighter day,
Somewhere in your future, in a new day,

Your new day shall come,
Your victories would be won,
And your destiny shall be born, or reborn,
Your shall lose your pain,
But you will gain your happiness and rejoice again,
For Inspite of your storm (whatever it may be),
I still see for you a brighter day,
Somewhere in your bright future, in your new day!


I was walking home one day,
When this poem was laid in my heart,
As I thought about a brighter day,
The end of the pain and the hurt,
I heard a word in my spirit,
I felt a message in my soul,
So I want to pour out my spirit,
And empty my soul,

For that young man who has done all you can,
For that boy who is struggling to be man,
For that woman who feels like she has done all,
For that young girl who feels like no one hears her call,
Hear this: Don't give up, hold on!
For in a Little While, your change will come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on,

Right now the odds may be against you,
Your world is crumbling down upon you,
You weep and mourn,
Your mates laugh you to scorn,
You feel you are lacking behind,
Don't worry! Don't give up!
Keep doing what is right, don't compromise,
For Yet In a Little While, your change will come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on,

Finally, for that one who has fasted and prayed,
Trusted, given, read, believed and prophesied,
You have prayed, believed and acted,
But you still feel like you are deserted,
You are doing all that is right,
But you still remain in a painful plight,
Don't worry! Don't give up!
Keep your faith and hope alive,
For your God who has promised is still alive,
He is faithful and just,
And Yet in a Little While,
Your change shall come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on.


Today as I listened to the song "Does Anybody Hear Her."
A poem was born in my heart,
As I paid attention to the lyrics of the song, "Does Anybody Hear Her,"
I am more awakened to people's hurt,

As I realize the fact that millions are going through life everyday,
Without a direction, or in the wrong direction, with no one to show them the way,
We are always quick to point an accusing finger,
But slow to extend a helpng hand, to make someone better,

But as much as I know there is little I can do,
To be helping hand unto you,
Regardless of the distance,
Though you read my words but can't feel my presence,
I want you to know that I Hear You....and I See You,

It may look like you are left alone, all by yourself,
There is no one who cares, you are by yourself,
Sometimes it might look like God is so far away,
You are suffering seeking a brighter day,
I Hear You....I See You,

The tears upon your bed,
The war going on in your mind, in your head,
The struggles in your life,
The sorrows in your life,
I Hear You...I See You,

When you need someone to talk to,
Someone to help you go through,
The challenges that life hurls at you,
And the curveballs that life throws at you,
Know that in my mind's eye,
In my spirit's vision,
And in my heart's perception,
I Hear You....And I See You,
I am praying for you.
All you need do is call on me,
Write a comment,
I am here to help you cope,
To point you to the creator that he would restore your hope,