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Sunday, May 1, 2011


You know the world is filled with a variety of women,
All beautiful in their own right,
So often times we find ourselves struggling to make a choice, I mean we men,
In the midst of the superficial beauty which every woman tries to acquire, we miss the light,
And get caught up in outward beauty which may look pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside,
Therefore one must be careful to make the right choice,

Yes, our world is filled with a variety of women,
All beautiful in their own right,
And I am sometimes attracted to that which appeals to the eye- so I miss the light,
So in the midst of the world's beauties,
I look within my entity,
In search of my true identity, if compatible with her personality,
Then I look up to my life's source,
To help me make the right choice,
For I know there can only be one for me,
The one with whom I am meant to be,

I am not attracted to just any pretty face,
I am searching for the one for me,
The one with whom I am meant to be,
For her life would bless me with grace,
I would love her,
I would cherish her,
The one for me,
The one with whom I meant to be,
Our hearts would beat as one,
Together we shall live, as one,
The one for me,
The one with whom I meant to be,
I would show her true love,
For she would be like an angel sent me from above,
The one for me ,
The one with whom I meant to be,
She would exude outer beauty,
She would embody inner beauty,
She doesn't really have to be perfect,
She just needs to be the one for me,
Yes, the right one for me,
The one and only one with whom I am meant to be.
So I'll keep searching till I find her-TheOne for Me.


As I sat on my couch watching the royal array and glamor,
The people, the procession, the prince and his princess,
She looked so beautiful, adorned in white, I thought she has been blessed with favor,
Her father leads her on, she walks with grace and decorum, already used to the royal business,
As they stepped into the Westminster Abbey, its magnificance reflected royalty and splendor,
Then the prince sees his bride, he smiles, she smiles-they are about to be joined in oneness,

Then it occurred to me-I need to pray for the royal couple,
Write a tribute to them and wish them well,
So my tribute is a prayer, and my prayer a tribute for the new royal couple,
I pray that God will unite them in a well,
I mean a well of love, togetherness, and peace without struggle,
Just as the world gathered for your wedding, Prince William and Princess Kate,
They shall gather for your anniversary, not your divorce, for togetherness is your fate,
May your hearts never be torn apart,
And may your love for each other run truly and deeply-from the heart,
Your union would be blessed with kids as you desire,
And your love for each other shall burn continuously-like an unquenchable fire.
Happy Married Life-William and Kate.


As I journey through this life,
Constantly seeking the meaning of life,
Constantly pondering the relationship between humans and a loving God,
Whether there is  more to life than the vanities of this world,
I am sometimes torn in between the desire for wealth, fortune and fame,
And a desire to live for my maker and rely on His unfailing name,

So I sometimes feel that I can make it all by myself,
I occasionally think I am the captain of this ship, all by myself,
But in the midst of my "know-how", and intelligence,
In the midst of my skill, talent, gifts and substance,
And inspite of the seemingly reliable foundations on which I sometimes build my substance,
I have come to realize that all alone, with Me, Myself and I,
My best projects are like building castles in the sky,
My best works are nothing in their best,
So my self-confidence needs to be re-addressed,

'Cos all alone, with Me, Myself and I,
I am very infinitismal and insignificant,
With Me, Myself and I,
I am a like vessel left adrift on the open sea, so empty and vacant,
With Me, Myself and I,
I cannot make it,
So on this journey of life, when the flood lights of trouble are lit,
When my life's vehicle are skidding of the road of faith,
I take my hands off and let JESUS take the wheels of my life and faith,
Because with Me, Myself and I,
I am worthless,
But with Him in whom I live, move and have my being,
I am worth so much more, not less,
So I guess all I am saying is:
I have learnt to take the background and let JESUS take the lead.


After much meditation,
And careful consideration,
I came to realize that no one has the right to define beauty,
Neither has anyone been vested with the power to describe pretty,
So stop feeling down-cast because you don't have a figure-eight shape,
Stop trying to go through some sort of surgery to obtain a well-rounded shape,
Even if you think you are beautiful by the society's standards,
And by the world's unreliable standards,

Here is one thing you must know,
Beauty is not superficiality or artificiality, it is an inner glow,
"Pretty" is a relative term, you are only as pretty as you think you are,
It is your self-esteem and the way you carry yourself, that will take you far,

You don't need a man to make you glow,
You don't need anyone to let you know,
That you are beautiful just the way you are,
So stop trying to impress people by leaving you body parts bare,
Above the foundation, the make-up and the skin-care products,
True beauty and real "pretty" is that of a character, of a genuine personality-an inner product,
It is beauty that is perceptible,
And "pretty" that remains visible,
Even in the absence of superficial adornment,
And artificial embodiment,

You are as beautiful as you think you are,
So search for your inner beauty, bring it out, and the world will soon come to appreciate it.


Everywhere I go I see them,
Everywhere I turn I see them,
On the streets, on the park, and on the side-walk,
Up and down, and sinuously some of them walk,
Some of them tall, some of them short, others dark and some others fair,
Some of them decent, some indecent, walking around, body parts bare,

But how pretty is pretty,
And what really is beauty,
Is it a figure-eight shape,
A smooth face, straight and spotless legs, or a well-rounded shape,
Is it really in the eyes of the beholder,
Or is it a mere opinion of the "holder",

As I ponder over these questions,
And the various situations,
The fact that some people now live in a low self-esteem,
And their selves they so lowly esteem,
Because of the opinions of others,
And the society's definition of beauty, they are constantly bothered,
 I ask again,
May be this will help deal with the pain,
You feel inside because of others perception of beauty,
And many's misconception of pretty;
What makes a pretty girl pretty?