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Sunday, May 1, 2011


As I sat on my couch watching the royal array and glamor,
The people, the procession, the prince and his princess,
She looked so beautiful, adorned in white, I thought she has been blessed with favor,
Her father leads her on, she walks with grace and decorum, already used to the royal business,
As they stepped into the Westminster Abbey, its magnificance reflected royalty and splendor,
Then the prince sees his bride, he smiles, she smiles-they are about to be joined in oneness,

Then it occurred to me-I need to pray for the royal couple,
Write a tribute to them and wish them well,
So my tribute is a prayer, and my prayer a tribute for the new royal couple,
I pray that God will unite them in a well,
I mean a well of love, togetherness, and peace without struggle,
Just as the world gathered for your wedding, Prince William and Princess Kate,
They shall gather for your anniversary, not your divorce, for togetherness is your fate,
May your hearts never be torn apart,
And may your love for each other run truly and deeply-from the heart,
Your union would be blessed with kids as you desire,
And your love for each other shall burn continuously-like an unquenchable fire.
Happy Married Life-William and Kate.

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