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Thursday, August 25, 2011


I had just finished ironing when suddenly I felt a violent shaking,
It happened so fast and then in a couple of minutes, or perhaps seconds, stopped.
But in a twinkling of an eye we all gathered outside talking about what had just happened-an earthquake!
Honestly, the incident got me thinking for a while,
And I did pose some questions to myself:
What if the earthquake was more severe?
My friends, family, acquaintances, loved ones,
What would have happened to the people on the train, over the bridges or even in the tunnel?
How about those working in the tunnels, the caves; those on the roof,
Construction workers mounted on scaffolds, hundreds of feet above the ground?
For that couple of minutes, I didn't think about how much I had in my bank account, or our cars parked outside on the street and in the parking lot,
My dreams, visions and goals, didn't it even matter to me anymore; I was only bothered about LIFE!
Which really got me thinking and asking, what really matters most in life?

 And while the news and slight shook of the earthquake was still in the air, there was also the news of Hurricane Irene,
And Today I saw the areas it had already started approaching.
Really, to think that this one is headed in this direction,
To also think that an even greater earthquake is headed in the direction of the East Coast, according to expert reports, leaves me pondering, slightly afraid, but still confident in God's divine protection,
But really, it is times like this that make wonder where our world is headed,
Times like this make me reflect: if the world ends today, what would be my fate?
Not the fate of any other person, but mine,
What if all these are a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, which I believe they are, regardless of what people may say,
I mean think about, an earthquake in the East Coast! That's unprecedented, but it happened,
What if everything the bible says is true, and these happenings are a sign of the times, the end time I mean,
I'm not trying to scare anybody or impose anything on anybody or sound religious, I'm just giving you something to ponder over,
'Cause from my observations, everything the bible prophesied is gradually coming to pass,
So you just reflect on all these things happening today in our world apart from the natural disasters,
And while you are at it, think about your eternal destiny: are you saved and ready for Christ's Second Coming?
That's just MY VIEWPOINT. What do YOU think about all these things? What's YOUR PERSPECTIVE? I would like to know, so stop by and leave a comment.