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Saturday, May 21, 2011


There we were, at a friend's party, it was a get together,
I was sitting with a childhood friend, he was like a brother,
As we chatted on about life and family living; our kids and wives,
She walked by, The Lady in Red, she caught our eyes,
Her lips in a red watery lipstick were full and sensuous, and so sparkly were her eyes,
She walked sinuously, placing each step after the other with elegance,
But I had a wife and so I turned to my friend, but he seemed to be in a trance,

He was staring at her dumbfounded and speechless,
"Friend," I said, why are your staring at her, speechless,
"Give it a rest man, you've got a wife and kids, " I said,
But he was still staring, this Lady in Red stuck in his head,
Then suddenly and to my surprise,
"I must have her tonight," my friend said, lust all over his eyes,
"But you're married, this is adultery, it is infidelity, and it is wrong!"
I said, seriousness all over my eyes,

I pleaded with him to quit the empty lust that now flooded his heart,
But he wouldn't listen, I thought this would tear him apart,
From his wife-she was even more beautiful and most of all faithful,
But he refused, walking towards the Lady in Red, to commit a sin so dreadful,
I tried pulling him back but he pushed me away,
"It's just a one night stand, my wife won't know about!" he said and waked away,
So they left and committed the act of infidelity,
And fulfilled the desires of carnality,

But today, my friend is seething with guilt and bitterness,
His heart is filled with sadness,
Not because his wife found out, but because the Lady in Red,
Whom he took to a hotel suite and slept with in bed,
Was his wife's friend's daughter whom he never knew,
How can he deal with this feeling, can he be made anew?
My friend is a good man, but he let his desires take hold of him,
Now his marriage is in a mess, his intimacy with his wife is no longer pure and honest, for the guilt in him,
He lives depressed everyday, but all it took was one night stand,
And the seduction of the Lady in Red,

What's your point? You may ask, please stay with me,
The Lady in Red could be anybody,
Your friend's cousin whom you are lusting after,
The girl down the street, two blocks from your house, whom you're chasing after,
The pretty waiter at that restaurant; you go there everyday not to eat, but just to see her,
She could be the girl next door, whom you see every morning on your way to work,
May be its the glow in her eyes, the sweetness in her lips and the way she walks,
But you're a family man, you've got a wife and kids, so is the Lady in Red really worth cheating on your wife?
Think about it,

But while you're at it, remember that your wife was the one to whom you made a vow of fidelity,
She was the one with whom you made a promise of chastity,
Even if things are hard right now, may be she doesn't treat you right anymore,
You could work things out, please don't go running into the filthy arms of the Lady in Red,
Please don't sleep with her, don't even go close to her bed,
Because she is nothing but a strange woman,this is reality,
Her sexuality is infested with immorality and promiscuity,
Her lips may speak sweetness but her soul spills bitterness,
Her shape may look perfect, like the perfect figure eight, but her spirit bears sadness,
Her body is a high way to the grave,
She is an agent of destruction, she would destroy you and take you to a spiritual, soulful or may be a physical grave,
Please stay faithful to the one to whom you are legally bound in holy matrimony,
Drink from your wife's cistern, that should be your only honey.


As I stood before the judge, the jury and the spectators,
An enemy my accuser,
My case set before the judge,
And the jury deliberating over my suit,
I realized I could make only one plea-guilty,

As I watched the judge looking through my case files,
And listening with rapt attention to the testimonies of the many witnesses,
The jury already certain of their decision,
It dawned on me the one thing possible-a death sentence,

All hopes of mine were lost,
It could take only a miracle to save me,
My life was at the verge of being jettisoned,
Into the flames of condemnation,
Into the fiery furnace of eternal damnation,

Then fell I to the ground in hopelessness,
Weeping and wailing for help,
My situation worsened by the judge's indifference,
My ordeal complicated by the jury's firmness,
Salvation was distant from me,

Then suddenly, with the judge lifting the gavel,
Ready to strike the seal to a death sentence,
My accuser almost leaping for joy,
With a moment of silence running across the crowd,
A voice came from behind,

It was a voice of hope,
An utterance of salvation,
And a proclamation of liberation,
It was my savior speaking,
"I'll take his place my lord at the cost of my blood,"
Were His words,

Just then I knew it was over,
He brought me acquittal,
Took my pains away,
Bore my burdens,
And drowned my sorrows,
He silenced the accuser,
Restored my hope and gave me back my life,

Then out of the courts,
I ran, leaping for joy and shouting for jubilation,
With the intention of returning no more to sin,
I was saved by His blood,
Acquitted by His mercy,
And discharged by His grace,
Glory hallelujah my savior, JESUS saved me!


A worthy cause they led,
A laudable purpose lived for,
A praise-worthy crusade spearheaded,
And a historical assignment, they with mastery and perfection executed,
But How Art the Mighty Fallen!
And the lead taken from the leaders!

They were the source of our pride;
The reason we boasted before our enemies,
The strength behind our fortress,
And the pillars of our safety and defense,
But How Art the Mighty Fallen!
And our glory be turned to groaning!

But filled with pride they forgot their purpose,
Being puffed up in arrogance, their diligence and alertness waned,
And their manhood dwindled,
With detractors they began feasting and their dignity to the dogs were cast,
From the cisterns of strange women they began drinking,
The treasures of bunches of promiscuity, they explored,
And their own wives despised,
Like a termite-infested tree they stood,
With their internal structure grossly ruptured and disfigured,
Oh How Art the Mighty Fallen!
And great men reduced to the floor of mediocrity!

Then in a false sense of courage,
And a mirage of bravery,
They launched their worthless selves into battle again,
They set out for a deadly combat,
Then like a helpless chick in the claws of a kite,
They were seized and taken captive in the lands where they once ruled,
So conquered, they became,
Dejected they felt,
Depressed they turned out,
To be forever locked up in the dungeons of oblivion,
Oh How Art the Mighty Fallen!
And the captors turned captive!