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Saturday, May 21, 2011


As I stood before the judge, the jury and the spectators,
An enemy my accuser,
My case set before the judge,
And the jury deliberating over my suit,
I realized I could make only one plea-guilty,

As I watched the judge looking through my case files,
And listening with rapt attention to the testimonies of the many witnesses,
The jury already certain of their decision,
It dawned on me the one thing possible-a death sentence,

All hopes of mine were lost,
It could take only a miracle to save me,
My life was at the verge of being jettisoned,
Into the flames of condemnation,
Into the fiery furnace of eternal damnation,

Then fell I to the ground in hopelessness,
Weeping and wailing for help,
My situation worsened by the judge's indifference,
My ordeal complicated by the jury's firmness,
Salvation was distant from me,

Then suddenly, with the judge lifting the gavel,
Ready to strike the seal to a death sentence,
My accuser almost leaping for joy,
With a moment of silence running across the crowd,
A voice came from behind,

It was a voice of hope,
An utterance of salvation,
And a proclamation of liberation,
It was my savior speaking,
"I'll take his place my lord at the cost of my blood,"
Were His words,

Just then I knew it was over,
He brought me acquittal,
Took my pains away,
Bore my burdens,
And drowned my sorrows,
He silenced the accuser,
Restored my hope and gave me back my life,

Then out of the courts,
I ran, leaping for joy and shouting for jubilation,
With the intention of returning no more to sin,
I was saved by His blood,
Acquitted by His mercy,
And discharged by His grace,
Glory hallelujah my savior, JESUS saved me!

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