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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The night is so cold, freezing and chilling,
The leaves and trees are dried, shivering and falling,
The mountains are harder,
Their tops snow-capped and whiter,

The mistletoes are all lighted up,
The reindeers are all out,
The elves are all ready to go all out,
And Santa is getting his suite dry-cleaned,
The children are all excited,
I could even see the one-horse open sleigh,
It seems like Santa is on his way,
With lots of gifts in his sleigh,
Reminiscent, these sights are of a very special season,

It is true we can no longer go to the beaches, or have a suntan,
Neither can the kids go skating,
Or eat fresh apples from the apple trees anymore,
But look on the bright side, it's at such a time as this,
That we bury the hatchet in feuds from months past,
That we get to spend memorable moments with our loved ones,
Share the union and togetherness of the family,
Sit by the fire and feel its warmth,
It's at such a time as this, that opportunities present themselves for us to express our love to the ones we care about,
And some may also fall in love, as their loneliness and heart-break, they forget about.
Merry Christmas!


God is the light of our lives,
In Him is no darkness,
He is justice,
In His ways is vindication for the just,
He is merciful,
In His thoughts is no inhumanity,
His words are always true,
Unaltered in the midst of changing times and varying seasons,

God is powerful,
In Him is no weakness,
He is integrity,
In Him is no fallacy,
He is unchangeable,
In Him is no shadow of turning,
He is perfect,
In His existence, infallibility lies,

God is endless,
In Him is the beginning,
He is a spirit,
In Him is no mortality,
He is love,
In Him is no hate,
And He is awesome,
In Him is all that make mere mortals awe-struck!


She is the beauty of the morning,
The sun rises at the sight of her,
And the moon waxes and glows brighter in her presence,
She is the goddess of beauty,
And the receptacle of beauty,

She is the rising sun that outshines the darkness of the gloomy days,
She is the bright and morning star, twinkling and sparkling with each graceful, sinuous movement of her sensual body,
The trees and grasses to her ravishing nature wave,
And the birds, songs of her sweetness sing,
She is the glory of beauty,

Upon the mind, the smoothness and glow of her round face, delicately decorated by radiant eyes, tender nose, and sensuous lips, creates an indelible image,
Her brightly colored eyes stare love into the heart of the one she cherishes,
Her smiles beam gladness and for joy, make the spirit leap,
Gracefully, her waist sways, igniting a fire of erotic desires in the mind of the one whom to heart, she has taken,
She is the paragon of beauty...

N/B: Ezewaanyi is the goddess of beauty in the traditional igbo society in the eastern part of Nigeria. The poet uses the believed qualities of this goddess in describing the subject of the poem-the maiden he admires.