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Saturday, June 4, 2011


I was walking home one day,
When this poem was laid in my heart,
As I thought about a brighter day,
The end of the pain and the hurt,
I heard a word in my spirit,
I felt a message in my soul,
So I want to pour out my spirit,
And empty my soul,

For that young man who has done all you can,
For that boy who is struggling to be man,
For that woman who feels like she has done all,
For that young girl who feels like no one hears her call,
Hear this: Don't give up, hold on!
For in a Little While, your change will come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on,

Right now the odds may be against you,
Your world is crumbling down upon you,
You weep and mourn,
Your mates laugh you to scorn,
You feel you are lacking behind,
Don't worry! Don't give up!
Keep doing what is right, don't compromise,
For Yet In a Little While, your change will come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on,

Finally, for that one who has fasted and prayed,
Trusted, given, read, believed and prophesied,
You have prayed, believed and acted,
But you still feel like you are deserted,
You are doing all that is right,
But you still remain in a painful plight,
Don't worry! Don't give up!
Keep your faith and hope alive,
For your God who has promised is still alive,
He is faithful and just,
And Yet in a Little While,
Your change shall come,
If you hold on, and keep pressing on.

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