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Thursday, June 16, 2011


"In my father's house are many mansions,
If it were not so, I would have told you,
That I go to prepare a place, that where I am,
There you will be also",
Those were the words of Jesus to His disciples,
Those He choose, whom He personally discipled,
Those words remind me of the fact that someday,
This present cosmos, this physical universe, will pass away,
For the revelation and establishment of a new heaven,
Amidst the controversies, rebellion, debates and unbelief, there is a heaven,
And someday our savior shall return to take us home,
But as we await His second coming,
Let us endeavor to represent His name,
Knowing that His message of love remains the same,
So with everything we have: talents, money and all let us publicize His name,
As we await the second coming of our lord,
As we await the rapture of the world,
Let us hold up the hands of one another,
Let us cater for the household of faith, and help a brother,
Find the light of the world in JESUS CHRIST,
As we await His second coming,
Let us keep the fire burning,
Preach, teach, proclaim, declare,
Until the whole word becomes aware,
That JESU alone is the answer,
He alone can heal us from every cancer,
Which plagues our lives and our world,
As we await, let us occupy till He comes.

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