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Sunday, June 26, 2011


Where are the days when we were taught respect and regard,
Where are the days when our kids were taught civility, not disregard,
Where are the days when our kids didn't use curse words,
Not because we would smack them but because they knew not to use such words,
Sadly enough, today, I see kids as young as ten, eleven, and twelve using the f-word,
They even refer to their sisters, using the b-word,
Oh how I wail inside for the restoration of godliness in our nation,
For the return of righteousness to our generation,
And I still can't stop asking, what happened to us?

Let us return to the foundation,
Let us return to the foundation,
Please let us return to the foundation,
Have a mind of your own,
Don't be deceived by the media, from its throne,
Of deception, perversion, confusion, and misconception,
Let us return to God, for regardless, He remains our only true foundation,

What do we teach our children?
What do we inculcate in our children?
Do we ourselves even know what is right again?
Do we still know what is the right way again?
Or have our vision being blurred by the perversion of a godless generation,
Twisted by the promulgation of popular culture, given to misconception,

For except we invest in the future of the next generation,
We may find ourselves, years from now, asking about our beloved nation,
What has happened to us?

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