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Saturday, June 11, 2011


For so many years, decades gone,
For centuries to come, and generations unborn,
There has always been and will continue to be,
The question, "Is there really a God?"

As I meditate on this question,
And consider man's position,
On this matter, I can't help but ask,
Why would anyone say, "There is no God!"?

For I have considered the various unreliable theories,
Of  science, and the various mysteries,
Which it tries to unravel,
And the many secrets it tries to reveal,
But yet has failed time and time again,
And yet they fail to acknowledge the God,
Who existed even before the world began,

How can man in his fallibility and gullibility,\
Postulate a theory that disproves the existence of a higher being; it is insanity,
For even the mysteries of science to Jehovah God are simple,
Being only a glimpse of His immeasurable might,
And yet someone says, "There is no God!"

A man said to me, "show me an evidence that there is God",
I said to him, "I know I haven't seen God, no one has seen God,
But here is an eveidence that there is a God,
The existence of our world,
The creature called man,
Alongside the many wonders of Jehovah's hands,
And yet someone says, "There is no God!"

I pray to Him everyday,
He speaks to me through His spirit everyday,
I see His works in the lives of men,
How He heals, saves, forgives and restores men,
And yet someone would say, "There is no God!"

Truly speaking, it takes a fool to say, "there is no God!",
For even science knows there is only so much it can do,
Somethings science in all of its discoveries, can still not explain,
In all of its breathroughs, some events science has failed to obtain,
That  just proves man's limitations,
And the unreliability of his postulations,
Yet someone would still say, "There is no God!",

Remember the guy that said, "not even God can sink this!"?
Remember what happened to that which he spoke about?
Remember the other man that thought he could exalt himslef above Jehovah,
Not long after he lived like an animal, he learnt to worship Jehovah forever,
So don't be deceived,
Do not let this thought be conceived,
Within you, that there is no God.
Somethings we may not be able to explain,
Somethings we wonder why they happen,
But no matter what it is, it doesn't change the fact,
That there is God who rules and reigns over the affairs of men.

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