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Thursday, September 30, 2010


I still remember the nights we had together,
Our love was meant to last forever,
And I'm sure we belonged together,
But then I threw all that away,
The day I let you go away,
Baby, I'm back to say I'm sorry,
For your absence has been my constant worry,
And I know I don't deserve your love,
So all I'm asking is one-half of your heart,

The days we spent together lingers on my mind,
And memories of us I just can't leave behind,
I thought you were the reason I was troubled,
But when you left, I realize my sorrows doubled,
For since you walked out of that door,
My soul has remained sore,
And my heart still lies in two,
Just because of you,
So honey, here I am, my hearts in my hands,
Willing to give it all up in open hands,
And because I know I don't deserve your love,
All I'm asking in return is one-half of your heart...

Copyright Lysious.


You were everything I desired in a wife,
You were all I ever wanted in my life,
The only reason I wake up each morning with a smile on my face,
The strength of my life, the one whose love to me is a saving grace,
But then I threw all that away,
The day I let you go away,
I pushed you to the wall,
Was the reason behind your fall,
But I'm back to say I'm sorry,
For without you my life is filled with worries,
And I can't survive another night without you,
Because when it comes to love, it's You and Me vs Separation,
And not even death can come between us...

Copyright Lysious


As I considered certain niches of our functional society,
And the hands that wield the powers that be,
I am confronted with a blurred reality,
And the realization that everything is not what it seems,

I am discontented with my world,
I am dissatisfied with the universe,
Sorrow fills my heart,
And pain my soul,
My spirit is daily torn apart,
By the blow of an orchestrated partiality,
The very fibers of my heart bleeds,
For the preponderance of a blurred reality...

Copyright Lysious

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel cont'd

    With the recent development, Henry thought it a wise decision that he and Naomi had their first date at a cozy restaurant, where they can have some time together. So the next day he showed up at her residence.
              “Hello, girl, how are you today” Henry started.
              “I’m fine” she said as she hugged him.
              “I thought of you all night” she added
              “Honestly, last night would have been better with you by my side” he said with so much passion in his eyes.
              “What about a date this evening at the River Café. You and I alone spending some good time” he asked as he stroked her hair.
              “Oh that’ll be great. I’ll just go in and freshen up. I’ll join you in five minutes” she said and hurried into her room with excitement. Five minutes later, the maiden stepped out with elegance and beauty written all over her. Her face glowed with a beam in her silk red sleeveless gown which accentuated her hips and firm breasts, revealing her cleavage. Instantly Henry was dazzled by the warmth of her smile and her feminine features. He was speechless and could not help giving her a kiss on her sensual lips, before the two left the room hand in hand.
     Henry and Naomi were just about getting across the dual carriage way when an unforeseen oncoming red Toyota saloon car on a speed above the 50 mph sped limit, ran into them. The two fell to the ground with a crash and immediately become unconscious in a pool of blood. Shortly after, a crowd gathered at the scene and someone called the Metropolitan Ambulance who arrived in a short time and rushed the victims to the hospital. Immediately with the aid of neighbors who witnessed the accident, Naomi’s aunt was contacted and so were the victim’s parents. They had to fly over to New York on hearing the news.
      In the Doctor’s office, a conversation between the Doctor and both parents was held.
                    “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham. You see the impact of the crash on your children’s brains launched them into a Coma, and I’m afraid they’ll be in it for the next two weeks. They’ll also need an urgent blood transfusion” the Doctor a Spanish slender- bodied young man in his early thirties, explained as he adjusted his rimless medicated spectacles which always slides down his tender pointed nose. His eyes seemed to have been sunken by years of extensive study of medical books.
                   “Listen Doctor” Mrs. Graham responded.
                   “Money is not an issue here. Please do all you can to save my daughter’s life, she’s all I’ve got” she continued.
                   “Don’t worry, we’ll do all we can to save their lives” the doctor said assuredly.
     However on the bright side, the accident was a good avenue for both families to get to know each other better and decided that if God sees them through all this, they were going to organize a family get together after their children’s graduation. Henry’s parents also discovered a lot about Naomi’s health including her genetic heart problem, which Henry’s mum initially saw as a possible reason why the two cannot be together. While in the hospital, Naomi was informed of Jerry’s arrest. He was accused of raping and sexually assaulting a fourteen year old girl in his neighborhood. They were never made for each other, Naomi thought to herself.

Copyright Lysious                  

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel cont'd

    With the recent development, Henry thought it a wise decision that he and Naomi had their first date at a cozy restaurant, where they can have some time together. So the next day he showed up at her residence.
              “Hello, girl, how are you today” Henry started.
              “I’m fine” she said as she hugged him.
              “I thought of you all night” she added
              “Honestly, last night would have been better with you by my side” he said with so much passion in his eyes.
              “What about a date this evening at the River Café. You and I alone spending some good time” he asked as he stroked her hair.
              “Oh that’ll be great. I’ll just go in and freshen up. I’ll join you in five minutes” she said and hurried into her room with excitement. Five minutes later, the maiden stepped out with elegance and beauty written all over her. Her face glowed with a beam in her silk red sleeveless gown which accentuated her hips and firm breasts, revealing her cleavage. Instantly Henry was dazzled by the warmth of her smile and her feminine features. He was speechless and could not help giving her a kiss on her sensual lips, before the two left the room hand in hand.
     Henry and Naomi were just about getting across the dual carriage way when an unforeseen oncoming red Toyota saloon car on a speed above the 50 mph sped limit, ran into them. The two fell to the ground with a crash and immediately become unconscious in a pool of blood. Shortly after, a crowd gathered at the scene and someone called the Metropolitan Ambulance who arrived in a short time and rushed the victims to the hospital. Immediately with the aid of neighbors who witnessed the accident, Naomi’s aunt was contacted and so were the victim’s parents. They had to fly over to New York on hearing the news.
      In the Doctor’s office, a conversation between the Doctor and both parents was held.
                    “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham. You see the impact of the crash on your children’s brains launched them into a Coma, and I’m afraid they’ll be in it for the next two weeks. They’ll also need an urgent blood transfusion” the Doctor a Spanish slender- bodied young man in his early thirties, explained as he adjusted his rimless medicated spectacles which always slides down his tender pointed nose. His eyes seemed to have been sunken by years of extensive study of medical books.
                   “Listen Doctor” Mrs. Graham responded.
                   “Money is not an issue here. Please do all you can to save my daughter’s life, she’s all I’ve got” she continued.
                   “Don’t worry, we’ll do all we can to save their lives” the doctor said assuredly.
     However on the bright side, the accident was a good avenue for both families to get to know each other better and decided that if God sees them through all this, they were going to organize a family get together after their children’s graduation. Henry’s parents also discovered a lot about Naomi’s health including her genetic heart problem, which Henry’s mum initially saw as a possible reason why the two cannot be together. While in the hospital, Naomi was informed of Jerry’s arrest. He was accused of raping and sexually assaulting a fourteen year old girl in his neighborhood. They were never made for each other, Naomi thought to herself.

Copyright Lysious

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The World I Crave!

It's a planet where nature is given a chance at life,
A system where the rich and poor are treated equally; males and females are given opportunities of existence,
A universe where justice knows no bounds, and faces no threats,

It's a conglomerate where everyone's opinions and culture are respected; and the gap of racism dwells in a state of oblivion,
A world where the shackles and fetters of inhumanity lie broken,
A nation where morality and chastity are upheld; crime and decadence contemptuously treated and crusaded against,
A situation where integrity and honesty are virtues extolled, and principles lived by,

It's a condition where the dignity of labor is emphasized, and diligence rewarded,
A society where freedom of speech, and choice are inviolable rights; and our daughters are not forced into the nuptial cycle and denied education,
A country where our sons are taught to treat their sisters with honor, and not inferiority,
A generation where the voice of the poor man is not drowned by the waters of brutality, and political oppression.
Such is The World I Crave!

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel cont'd

MONDAY, OCTOBER, 2. 19:00hrs.
     Naomi has been discharged from the hospital with the doctor advising she sticks to her medications, and stays away from emotional stress and situations capable of raising her blood pressure. Henry couldn’t return to Virginia after a week following Naomi’s illness. Naomi had been to Jerry’s place to pay him a visit. Jerry was elated and immediately got drinks for them both.
             “It’s an honor having a queen like you under my roof. You are most welcome” he said in a gentleman’s manner.
             “The pleasure is mine” the ever ravishing Naomi replied.
     While they were drinking, Jerry offered to play a movie with some sex scenes. Shortly after, Jerry was drawing closer to Naomi. He began moving his hands up her skirt revealing her luscious thighs. Emotions soon ran wild for Naomi as he gently fondled her breasts. They began kissing passionately and hungrily. Naomi was giving in and falling, their bodies calling. The course was getting frightening and the ships were sinking. An experienced captain was needed to save the ships. Naomi was gradually being stripped.
 Someone was needed to turn off the power switches, but neither of them was willing. To worsen the situation, Jerry kept caressing her inner thighs. Thus sending pleasure pulses down her spine and arousing her sensuality. But in a twinkling of an eye, Naomi realized what was going on and quickly came back home. She slapped him, pushed him and yelled.
               “I don’t want to ever see you anywhere around me or my house again! It’s over between us!”
       She stomped out the suite and slammed the door.
               “I would have given her some more time” Jerry thought regretfully. Naomi soon went back to her shell, sulking every now and then.
               “For the past two months I’ve been with Henry. Not even a kiss from him, let alone his fondling my breasts and thighs. I should have known that Jerry was just interested in my body, to explore it and have a fill of it” Naomi thought silently as she lay on her bed. Meanwhile back at Henry’s home, Sophia the girl he helped paid him a visit.
            “Hi Henry, how are you. I got you some fruits. You’ll like them” Sophia said as she walked in.
           “Oh thanks. You see Sophia” he continued as he walked closer to her.
           “We’ve been friends for sometime now and I’ve always loved your company. I think I like you Sophia” he finished up as he attempted to kiss her. She pushed him away gently.
            “Look Henry. It’s wrong. I never had that in mind. I was only showing appreciation for all you did for me. Naomi loves you. I mean, she would not come all the way from Virginia to New York, looking for you, if she didn’t love you. You tell me, why would she be so jealous over you, as to be upset by merely seeing you and me, walk out of your room the other day, even without knowing what was going on, if she didn’t feel something for you.” “Point of correction, she didn’t come all the way from Virginia to New York looking for me. She is here for the summer vacation, and is her irritable and jealous attitude that got her upset the other day” Henry retorted. “Look, whatever; it takes someone who cares about you to pay you a visit. That means she thinks of you” “Think of me…How do you know she thinks of me?” Henry said stressing the ‘me’ to show he doubted Naomi’s feelings for him. “Oh Henry, let’s not argue about this” Sophie responded in a harsh tone, expressing slight anger over Henry’s attitude. Henry, it don’t matter what differences you may have had earlier, this girl really loves you, believe me.   Please go back to her, and here is a book I bought, I think you’ll like it. Read it and apply whatever you learn from it” she said as she handed him a book with the title, “Buy Me a Rose”. In it, he read the story of two teenage lovers that broke up but later got back together, because the boy choose to bury the hatchet between him and his girlfriend, and decided to love her more in spite of her imperfections. He also presented her with a rose and a love poem, two weeks after they were apart. Henry thought it a wise idea. But how well was it going to work he thought.
    The next morning he visited Naomi. With a rose flower in his hands and a poem, and kneeling before her, tears rolling down his cheek apologized.
              “I never meant to hurt you sweetheart, never meant to. I’m sorry for all I put you through. Please forgive me” he pleaded emotionally.
              “I forgive you baby and I’m sorry too. I love you baby” she responded tears in he eyes as she lifted him up, and collected the rose smelt it and read the poem, which read:
               “You are the love of my life,
                 The one I adore,
                 You are my jewel,
                  The one I cherish,
                 You are my priceless treasure,
                  The one I love,
                  Your face radiates beauty,
                  Your eyes beam true love,
                  Your lips speak fidelity,
                  And your heart bears tenderness,
                  Your kiss sends life down my spine,

                  Your touch soothes my nerves
                  Your beauty drowns my sorrows,
                  Your body profile is an embodiment of femininity

                   Your waist will pacify my manhood,
                   Your breast will feed leaders
                   And your womb will bear greatness
                   You are my soul mate,
                   The one that lightens up my world,
                   I love you.”
    Naomi’s emotions swelled like a fountain and she immediately drew him close and for the first time kissed him with so much passion. Unlike most teenagers, their first kiss was surrounded by a spectacular reunion. How powerful can kind words be?

Copyright Lysious

Saturday, September 25, 2010

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel, cont'd.


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29, 19:00 hrs
    Back at Henry’s home, he paced up and down the room thinking about what he had seen earlier that day. Relating the incident to his brother worsened the situation.
               “I should have known that Naomi was behind all this. I knew that girl was a just a flirt and a heartbreaker. I warned you big bro, but you were head over heels in love. Thank goodness you found out yourself.” Rooney quickly let out the venom shortly after Henry was done narrating his experience.
                “But how could I have known that Naomi was cheating on me. I trusted her so much. Okay, even if she wanted to, she could have gone ahead cheating on me, but conniving with thugs to beat me up is what I can’t understand.” Henry complained as if giving in to Rooney’s speculations.
               “Sheer wickedness, yes wickedness, Naomi is wicked. She is one deceptive, pretentious and iniquitous fellow.” Rooney continued in angry tone, using the same words he just checked up in the dictionary earlier that day.
                “So what are you going to do now” Rooney asked to ascertain the state of his brother’s mind and intentions.
                “Well, I’ll just go to New York and have some fun with my lonely self and then come back home. I’ll be there for a week” Henry responded looking worried.
       Henry had soon stopped picking Naomi’s calls and didn’t even tell her when he was leaving for New York, and where he would be staying in New York. It seemed Rooney finally had his way. He detested Naomi. Two days after Henry left, Naomi called at his place and got his uncle’s address in New York, where Henry would be staying.
                 “What could I have done to him, that he no longer answers my calls. He didn’t even tell me when he was leaving for New York and where he’ll be staying. But I love him, why would he be treating me this way” she thought to herself as she shuffled home, tears rolling down her cheeks.
     It was a hot afternoon at
Barclay Street, New York city
and Henry was shearing the flowers in his uncle’s garden when he heard a shrill cry from the building next to theirs. A girl had just tripped off a scaffold and suffered minor bruises. Henry quickly went there to find out what had happened.
                   “Are you alright” Henry asked as he offered to help.
                   “I can’t move my leg, it hurts” she complained with a grimace.
                   “Don’t worry, I’ll help you up” he said as he lifted her up, took her to his room and gave her a soothing massage. The excruciating pains she felt as Henry massaged her made her moan. Just then Naomi walked in. Hearing a girl moaning in Henry’s room sparked off mixed feelings. They were having sex she thought. Then they both walked out, the girl smiling. Eye contact made words needless as Henry immediately sensed Naomi’s suspicious thoughts.
                  “It’s not what you think baby, I was…” Henry was immediately interrupted.
                  “Don’t you ever call me that you Dog! I hate you” she yelled as she stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
                  “Who’s she?” the girl asked.
                  “She is my girlfriend. She must have thought we were having sex” Henry responded.
                     “Having sex? God! How wild peoples’ thoughts get” she said looking surprised.
         Shortly after Naomi walked into the house, she slumped before her aunt and was immediately taken to the hospital. Naomi has been suffering from Atherosclerosis, a life-threatening heart disease. Doctors say it’s genetic; it runs in her family. Henry called in immediately he heard the news, but was turned down, and Naomi requested he never be let into her room again. Naomi’s hospital room soon became the haunt of Jerry, Naomi’s neighbor, who’ secretly admires her beauty and feminine features. He would always speak of her to his friends. Apparently he viewed her as an object of sex appeal.
        On this occasion he bought her a rose with a love poem attached it. He was more romantic than Henry, Naomi thought. But how misleading can our thoughts be.
                       “Thank you so much for the rose and poem. They are nice. Your words are very romantic and soothing” Naomi expressed her gratitude with a smile.
                       “Oh don’t mention. Anything for you, just wish you get better fast” he said solicitously. They both hugged and suddenly began getting on fine. But just how long is this going to continue. Naomi was soon going to find out Jerry was just an unscrupulous, opportunist with no respect for femininity.

Copyright Lysious

Friday, September 24, 2010

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel Cont'd

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 9:00hrs.

        The first semester exams were fast approaching and as expected the atmosphere of Thomas Jefferson High was scented with examination fever. As for the 10th graders it wasn’t going to be easy, for their classes have been very serious and demanding. But Henry had Naomi and Jane as contenders to worry about in the forthcoming exams. They were all preparing intensively for the exams. Classes as expected had gone a step further. In the stairway, a conversation ensued between Henry and Jane.
                ‘Hi Jane, how far have you been preparing for your exams. Covered your course outline yet?’ Henry continued with a question.
                ‘Actually Henry, I’m almost through except for Math. I’m not done with that yet’ Jane responded.
                ‘Alright, I have a plan to help us cover the course outline easier and faster; two hours after school each day, we take some challenging topics in the outline and some practical lessons’ Henry suggested.
                 ‘That’s fine. We’ll introduce the idea to Naomi and others who would be interested’ Jane said. Just then, Naomi came by.
                 ‘Hi guys, what’s up?’
                 ‘Ah talk of the angel and here she is. We’re fine, and guess what’ Jane responded smiling.
                 ‘What?’ Naomi inquired anxiously.
                 ‘Henry and I are thinking private extramural classes after school each day and perhaps, some practical lessons’
                 ‘Oh that’ll be fine. And I’m in. I mean do I have to say that?’ Naomi replied happily. Just as Naomi turned to leave, she was approached by Mark.
                ‘Hey Mark, how are you doing?’
                 ‘I’m doing great Naomi, that’s the name right?’
                 ‘Off-course, you didn’t forget my name now did you?’ Naomi asked, slightly disappointed.
                 ‘Oh no, I didn’t. Can I talk with you for a moment?’
                  ‘Sure. What’s up?’
                  ‘Nothing much is just that I find you very attractive, and would really like to know you better. So I was thinking about a lunch date this Saturday by 1 pm. You’ll choose the restaurant and I’ll pick you up. So what do you say?’ Mark asked with a radiant smile.
                  ‘Mark, you seem like a nice guy to me, but I think this is moving too fast. I mean I barely know you, besides I’m kind of in a relationship right now, and I wouldn’t want you, I mean us, wasting our time when I know this will not lead us anywhere’
                  ‘So, you are saying no to me because of that Henry of a boy, right? Is it because his father owns Philips group of companies? Well, it’s okay but just so you know, I run Thomas Jefferson High, and I will get what I want, when I want it, however I want it and not even you or Henry will stop me from being with you’ Mark responded in a very angry tone that totally shocked Naomi and left her speechless as he stomped down the hallway.
       The first week of the extramural classes was easy going and the students were fast covering their course outlines, and difficult topics were becoming easier, but for Naomi, another problem seemed to bother her; she couldn’t keep herself from thinking about what Mark said, and she feared Henry’s life could be endangered with Mark around, but she never considered telling anyone about it, not even Henry, especially because she never heard from Mark for the rest of that semester. The exams soon came and went, but this time Naomi topped the class. Henry and Jane emerged second and third places respectively; but they were all happy and congratulated each other for the achievement was meritorious; they worked for it. Back at Naomi’s home, a lively conversation ensued between her and her parents.
                    ‘Congratulations, honey, you’ve made us proud. And for a prize choose any place of your choice to spend the summer vacation’ Mr. Graham promised his daughter, his face all turned red with laughter and joy at his daughter’s success.
                     ‘Well, I’ll say New York. Aunt Vivian lives there. Besides, it’s a fine city and I’ll love to be there. Most of my friends say it’s the hub of most fun activities. So, New York is my choice’ Naomi replied happily.
                     ‘That’s okay, honey, we’ll start making preparations for your travel ticket as soon as possible’ chipped in Naomi’s mom.
        Leaving her mom and dad, Naomi headed for the mall where she coincidentally ran into Henry.
                         ‘Master Henry Philips, where would you be spending your summer holidays’ she asked him in an official and English manner.
                         ‘Oh Miss Naomi Graham, what a lovely coincidence; my dad just bought my flight ticket to New York yesterday’ Henry responded, elated.
                          ‘Great! Because I get to spend my summer holidays in New York too, so see you in New York City Henry’ Naomi said as they both hugged.
                          ‘I have to go to the mall, you know for some good shopping’ she added as she ran across the road and took a cab to the mall.
         Just as Henry was about stepping further, he was intercepted by a group of intimidating fellows, who seemed to have been observing them from a hide out.
                           ‘So you have been the one messing around with my girl friend all along?’ one of the boys spoke up in an angry tone. It turned out Henry was not the only one interested in Naomi.
                           ‘N-n-noo, we are j-j-just friends, I mean class mates. Yeah that’s all’ Henry replied nervously.
                            ‘Oh shut up, you liar. Now this is a warning from Naomi herself and a friend of mine who happens to be interested in her- Gbush, gbush’ he said as he clubbed him thrice on his right arm and twice on his back. He also punched him in the face.
                            ‘Stay away from Naomi punk! She doesn’t want you anymore. Fuck you!’ the leader who clubbed Henry said as they ran down the street. Henry managed to get home and had his arm tied up for a whole week.

                               ‘You see big bros I warned you stay away from this girl. Now see what she has caused’ Rooney Henry’s kid brother who never liked Naomi complained after Henry had finished narrating his ordeal. He looked so much like him but had an ebony black curly hair that hung always from his head in a pony tail. Henry always related his issues to his brother since their parents were hardly at home; his father had to regularly shuttle cities were his company had branches, and he liked embarking on such trips with his wife; she is a shareholder in the company and also a co-owner.
                             ‘Look Rooney, there is this feeling I have each time I’m around Naomi. Naomi, yes Naomi, the sound of the name sends Adrenaline surging into my blood. Her beauty dazzles me, her feminine features, body profile, and most of all; her smiles are very warm and comforting. I love this girl’ Henry responded as he walked around the room, gesticulating in a poetic manner.
                               ‘Henry, you have a long way ahead of you and a bright future too. Studying Medicine in College does not come by playing love games, man. You’ve got to face your studies squarely’ Rooney advised his brother.
                               ‘On the contrary Rooney, I concentrate more when I realize she loves me and will always do. The thought of Naomi’s loyalty keeps me even more focused. Yes, that’s the way I feel’ Henry replied cheerfully.
                               ‘Well, whatever. Just be careful or this Naomi girl will get you in the hospital. I’m off to the Library. I’ll catch you at dusk’ Rooney said as he left he room.
         The next morning, Henry had gone to visit Naomi, but met her absence. He also found a similar club with which he was attacked in their white painted sitting room decorated with green leather sofas, a glass room-divider; with varying pieces of art work hanging from the walls, and a bar made of Ivory and Mahogany and stocked with assorted drinks. However, these were not new to Henry; he was busy ruminating over what he had seen. And all attempts to contact her proved abortive; she was reported to have gone to the movies with some guys, by her mom whom Henry met. But that was not his first time of seeing Naomi’s mum or visiting their house; ever since he and Naomi began dating her home has become one of his haunts. However, Henry was at this point beginning to think and feel differently of Naomi. What Henry did not know was that the club he saw was Naomi’s father’s; he plays baseball for recreation, and the guys she went out with were her neighbors.

             TO BE CONTINUED
            All rights reserved
           Copyright Lysious



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

LOVE BIRDS, A Novel Cont'd.


        It was another sensational day at Thomas Jefferson High School and a sizzling Math quiz was about kicking-off in the 10th grade class. The teacher Mrs. Patience Sparkles had divided the class into three different groups. The group was to choose their representatives. For group A Henry was chosen, for group B, Naomi was appointed and Esther Davis was the leader of group C.
         ‘Alright now let’s get started. Group A your question; what is the third angle of a triangle with angles 60 and 70. You have 2 minutes’ Ms. Sparkles said. After a few seconds of computation, an answer finally came.
         ‘The answer is 50 degrees Ms. Sparkles’ was the reply from Henry.
         ‘That is fast Henry, and you have 5 points for that’ Ms. Sparkles said pretty surprised.
         ‘Group B your question; the square root of 2 times a certain number, divided by 2 is 1. What is the number?’ Ms. Sparkles said.
         ‘Now take your time group B, this is pretty difficult’ Ms. Sparkles warned. At this point shivers ran down the spines of members of group B, for they had concluded their representative will screw it. But Naomi was confident and undisturbed. After about 30 seconds, surprisingly, an answer came, earlier than expected.
          ‘The answer is 2, yes 2’ Naomi said confidently as if anyone disagreed.
          ‘2-2-2, are you sure’ Ms. Sparkles questioned, trying to pull her legs.
           ‘Yes 2, I’m sure’ Naomi maintained.
          ‘And it’s correct’ responded Ms. Sparkles to the surprise of everyone, including Henry who thought she couldn’t figure it out. The next question was for group C, but it was not answered. Thus the next went to group A. Ms. Sparkles had taken Henry unawares who seemed only prepared for calculations. Abruptly, the question came.
         ‘Group A, what is statistics?’ Ms. Sparkles asked with a smile knowing the students least expected that. Henry had seen the subject while studying but didn’t stop to consider it. After the first minute Henry became nervous and thus could not answer the question. It was then considered a bonus question and passed on to group C, instead of group B. Ms. Sparkles had done this intentionally in order to give an advantage to group C, who was lacking behind. They too couldn’t answer the question, so it was passed to group B. Naomi who is keen at paying attention to details had carefully considered the topic and so gave a quick response.
         ‘Statistics is the collection, analysis, presentation and complete storage of data, which by definition are unprocessed information. That’s it’ Naomi summarized with a smile. With an air of silence moving through the classroom, Ms. Sparkles muttered.
           ‘2.5 points for that’
      The rest of the competition continued with a string of losses and wins and finally, group B emerged winner. As a result of this Naomi became better appreciated for her intelligence. At the end of school that day, Naomi found Henry happily chatting with some girls in the hallway, and became irate. Henry observing her reaction went after her.
           ‘Naomi, Naomi, Naomi, I’m calling you’ he said as he pulled her hand.
           ‘What is it? Why the hell are you bugging me? Go have your fun and leave me alone’ she retorted raising reactions from other students in the almost crowded hallway.
           ‘Look Naomi, it’s you I love, and it’s not what you think. I was only being friendly’ Henry said trying to win her over.
           ‘Oh spare me that! Go and tell it to the first graders. I’m out of here’ she said as she dashed downstairs. Henry stood there for a while before slowly walking downstairs and then to the bus station where he boarded a bus home and didn’t talk to anyone until he got home.
      Back at Naomi’s home, she couldn’t eat or drink anything. This elicited concern from her mom, who detests seeing her only child, worried.
              ‘Baby, what is the matter with you, you’ve been like this since you got back? Is everything alright’ she asked.
              ‘Mom, I love him, but he keeps cheating on me’ she spoke up tearfully, as she sat up on the bed sobbing. Her mom looking surprised at her daughter then sat at the edge of the bed close to her daughter.
               ‘Love h-i-m, who are you talking about? Honey you never told me you were dating’
               ‘Yes, I know, and I’m sorry mom. His name is Henry. He is 18 and is from Fairfax. He had the highest score on the Entrance Examination. First I thought it was my classmate Jane, but today I saw him happily chatting with Philomena and other girls after school. I hate it when he talks to other girls in that manner’ Naomi complained expressing her bitterness.
                 ‘Look honey, I understand how you feel, but the truth is, what you are experiencing is mere infatuation. True love is never jealous, and for all you know, he may not be into those girls. He may just be a guy with a habit of socializing. Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll come back to you if he truly loves you. It’s okay, stop crying. It’s lunch time, and I don’t want your dad to get panicky over your refusal to eat’ her mom said assuredly as she led the seventeen year old to the dinning room downstairs, in the magnificent one storey building painted in a brilliant white and light shade of green; a combination reflective of the favorite colors of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and their lovely angel.
                     ‘Moreover, honey, your exams are fast approaching. Just two weeks away. That needs your attention more’ her mom continued reminding her of the importance of her exams.
      The next day, Naomi found Henry chatting with Esther Davis, the girl who messed up in the Math quiz. Up until now, Naomi had always thought Henry was a guy of class, but now she was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he is just characteristically sociable like her mom said. But just before Henry came up to her, she ran into Mark the second time.
           ‘Hi gorgeous, we um meet again.’
           ‘You again, why don’t you just leave me alone, we don’t belong to the same class’ Naomi said in an irritable voice.
           ‘You know class has nothing to do with this. You are beautiful and I just want to get to know you better, besides I’m just a class ahead of you. So, what’s your name?’ Mark asked.
            ‘Naomi, Naomi Graham’
            ‘Naomi Graham, are you in any way related to Vivian Graham of Vivian’s Styles in New York City?’ Mark asked anxiously.
             ‘Hmm, I see you are pretty well-informed. Well, she is my aunt, my dad’s junior sister’.
             ‘Impressive. I’m Mark Blake. My dad controls the New York Times printing press. Um, nice to meet you’ Mark said stretching out his hand towards her for a hand-shake.
           ‘Nice to meet you too’ she said as she shook his hands, which he clasped around hers and was hesitant in withdrawing.
            ‘I have got to go now, see you around. It was nice meeting you’ Naomi said as she withdraw her hand in a rather awkward moment and ran up the stairs of the 100 acre Thomas Jefferson High beautifully painted in brilliant shades of white, Gray, blue and green combinations.
            ‘Good morning Naomi, who was that?’ came a nervous question from Henry as he followed her up the stairs.
            ‘Oh he’s just some 11th grader’ she responded without details.
            ‘So, how was your night?’ Henry continued.
             ‘Fine and yours?’ was an abrupt response.
             ‘It was hell. I stayed awake all night thinking of you. Naomi I love you, I truly do. Please be my girlfriend’ Henry asked emotionally. Just then Naomi beamed revealing her well arranged dental structure with a slit at the middle. She seemed to have been waiting for this, and she looked more beautiful with a smile, Henry thought.
               ‘Your girlfriend, don’t you think it is too early; I mean let us get to know each other better. I’ll just be your close friend, not your girl friend, okay?’ she responded as she held him by his hands.
                 ‘Perfect, I mean I’m okay with it’ Henry said smiling, his eyes glowing. Just then the bell rang.
                  ‘Let’s hurry, it’s time for English Language’ Henry said as they both walked away hand in hand. The attraction that existed between both of them was more like a gravitational pull, and in no time mere friendship was swept under the carpet. Mark soon got to find out the relationship between Henry and Naomi, and vowed for the rest of his stay at Thomas Jefferson High to keep him away from her.


All rights reserved
Copyright Lysious Ogolo



      The story explores the love life of two High School teenagers who found themselves in a romantic and blissful relationship that was truncated by their individual health problems, and myriad of unavoidable pains, miseries and sorrows that made it seem like the universe was not in support of their live for each other. In the book, we see them battle life’s curbs as they fight to save their love which grew with them as they transited from teenage age to adulthood. Their intelligence and the wealth of their parents could not save them from the pangs of death; and death itself could not end their love for each other. Perhaps they shared the same star with cupids, find out in this thrilling romance, and what becomes of the love birds.

Monday, September 23, 9:00

        The entrance examination into Thomas Jefferson High School had just been completed and it was the beginning of another School year. In the principal’s office, a conversation ensued between the principal and the assessment and head teacher of the 10th graders.
               ‘Good morning Mr. Brookes’ greeted Ms. Peters.
                ‘You sent for me’ she added.
                 ‘Oh yes Ms. Peters, I sent for you. But first, how is your husband and daughter’ Mr. Brookes asked solicitously as he does to every teacher at the beginning of a new school year.
                   ‘They’re all fine’ Ms. Peters responded with a smile that revealed her well-spaced perfectly squared teeth.
                    ‘Thanks for your concern, Sir’ she added.
                     ‘The pleasure is mine’ Mr. Brookes responded.
                      ‘Actually, I called you to inform you that this year’s entrance examination into the 10th grade was really very commendable, and the students with the highest scores were; Henry Philips, Jane Colgate, and Naomi Graham. Put an eye on those geniuses’ Mr. Brookes said in an official tone.
                      ‘Alright Sir, can I have a copy of the results?’ Ms. Peters asked stretching her right hand.
                      ‘Sure, here’ Mr. Brookes said handing over a copy of the result, which Ms. Peters collected and left the office.
                       ‘Do have a nice day’ Mr. Brookes added as Ms. Peters stepped out.
                       ‘And you too Sir’ she reciprocated.
            It was the first day of school, and as usual first on the list was the roll call.
                       ‘Good morning class and welcome to Thomas Jefferson High School where your future is secured. I am Ms. Peters, your head and assessment teacher, and I’ll like you all to listen to your names and put up your hand when you hear your name, and I’ll also like the bearers of the last three names on the list to rise to their feet upon hearing their names-Paul Cleveland, Carol Anderson, Jacobs Jakes, Hamilton Young…Henry Philips, Jane Colgate and Naomi Graham. Henry Philips you scored highest in the exams. Congratulations’ said Ms. Peters stretching her hand for a hand shake.
                       ‘Thank you Ms. Peters’ replied Henry as he shook her hand. Henry was a very light-skinned, dark-haired boy from Fairfax County in Virginia, in his late teens; and looked and sounded much younger than his age. His brightly colored eyes gave his countenance a more handsome look, adding to its chiseled nature. He had an amazing muscular physique and his skin was so light skinned, it looked pale in the heat of the summer sun. His height did not also match his age, for he was of average height. He was the first son of a family of four; composed of Mr. and Mrs. Philips, his parents, and Rooney, his kid brother. His Uncle Mr. Fred, a bright skinned young man in his late thirties, whose skin had patches of red to it, lived in New York and managed the New York headquarters of the Philips Group of Companies, dealers of clothing and cosmetics, owned by his brother, Henry’s father. All the members of Henry’s family were all natives of Fairfax County.
    The mere mention of Henry’s name by Ms. Peters and the sight of him pulled a string in Naomi’s heart. She instantly fell head over heels in love with him. She was just having a bout of infatuation which was however, may be, soon going to develop into full blown love.
              ‘And you two’ Ms. Peters continued looking in the direction of Jane and Naomi.
              ‘I am proud of you. Congratulations. And for the rest of you congratulations and once again, welcome to Thomas Jefferson High’ she said shaking the hands of Naomi and Jane simultaneously.
                ‘See me in my office right away. The rest of you prepare for the orientation teacher. Good bye for now’ the pale-colored, plump assessment teacher of the 10th grade concluded leaving the class, the girls following after her. Ms. Peters had called the girls to further congratulate them, and encouraged them never to feel inferior before Henry or other guys because they were girls. She also them she believes men and women have equal rights and privileges in every society. She happened to be an Egalitarian.
      After school that day, Henry was in the hallway putting his stationary together when Naomi came by. She was a chocolate-skinned girl of Henry’s age grade, though a year younger. The blonde- bobs she kept did well in revealing every attractive feature of her smooth and tender looking face, decorated with ever glowing eyes, pointed and dainty nose, and  well-arranged, closely occurring teeth with a middle slit that sparkled each time she smiled, arousing her deep dimples. Though relatively young, her feminine frame swayed gracefully from left to right as she walked, supported by her straight spotless and hairless legs. She was a ravishing maiden and the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham, natives of Washington DC. She had inherited a skin-color typical of her mom’s family, but opposite to her father’s very-light skin that almost seemed to lack pigments. Her aunt, Vivian was also resident in New York City where she owned and controlled a fashion empire. As she got to Henry’s locker, she started up a conversation.
           ‘Hi Henry’
           ‘Uh hello Naomi, how are you and how was your day’ he replied with a smile on his face.
           ‘F-f-fine’ was the reply with a pulse of excitement and nervousness moving down her spine, all at the same time. He likes me she thought to herself. But as it turned out, Henry was just one of those social dudes who got on well with everybody.
           ‘Can we be friends’ Naomi asked after taking a deep breath and stretching her hand.
           ‘Sure’ was a lively reply from Henry as he took her hands and kissed it. At this point Naomi developed goose bumps and her heart pumped a little faster; again she become nervous, but excited still.
           ‘Can, can, can I get your number’ she asked.
           ‘No, not today, Jane is waiting outside for me’ he responded to her utter dismay.
           ‘Oh Jane, I saw her outside but never knew she was waiting for you’ Naomi spoke up looking dismayed. Just then;
           ‘Come on Henry, it’s getting late’ was a shrill cry from the entrance of the hallway. It was Jane calling on Henry, but looking in a different direction and so did not know he was chatting with Naomi.
            ‘Alright Naomi, we’ll see tomorrow. Bye’ Henry said hopping out of the hallway.
              ‘Bye’ Naomi responded, disappointed.
              ‘So it’s Jane he loves and not me. Was it because she scored higher than me in the Entrance Examination’ Naomi soliloquized as she padded down the hallway, her day being a mixture of good and bad. What she did not know was that Henry and Jane lived in the same neighborhood and had known each other since the first grade. Naomi was also a humble girl for though her father was wealthy enough to transport the whole of Thomas Jefferson High to their respective homes, she had insisted that she be treated like a normal average kid and be given fares with which she boarded the bus home every day. But just as she shuffled down the hallway, she was intercepted by Mark Blake, an 11th grader. He was a stout hairy boy, whose pointed nose matched his elongated jaw-bones, adding to his already prominent facial features. His father controlled the New York Times printing house, and his mother owned a string of clothing lines on
Broadway Street
in New York. He had rented an apartment off campus and drives to school everyday in his red Porsche.
        ‘So, is this your first day beautiful?’ He asked in a flirtatious and confident manner.
        ‘Yes, but I am not in the mood for a discussion right now. Just leave me alone’
        ‘Uh I think someone’s had a bad day. But hey, I’m not also in the mood for a chat’
        ‘So what do you want?’
         ‘Just your number baby, your number is all I need, and I bet we will have a lot to talk about. It’s a promise’ Mark said beaming confidently, his right hand in his hip pocket.
          ‘Sorry, but I do not give my number to strangers. I’ve got to leave now’ Naomi said as she hurried down the hallway.
          ‘Wait, you didn’t even tell me your name’ Mark shouted as she hurried down.
           ‘And you didn’t ask!’ Naomi responded as she left out the door.
           ‘It was nice talking to you. See you around!’ Mark replied. By this time, Naomi was already out of sight.
        The next day the 10th graders would be having their first class with Mr. Johnson, the Geography teacher. He was a tall, athletic-bodied man in his late forties. Mr. Johnson is known by old students for his characteristic bald head, rimless spectacles that rested on his pinched nose, a little distant from his eyes, and his corporate dressing.
              ‘Good morning class’ was a greeting from Mr. Johnson’s deep voice, deep enough to input respect in the students.
                ‘Good morning Sir’ the class chorused.
                ‘Call me Mr. Johnson, not sir. Mr. Johnson. Is that clear?’ he asked slightly tilting his head and looking through his specs.
                  ‘Yes, Mr. Johnson’ they all responded again.
                  ‘Hmm, good, today we shall be looking at the Earth as a peculiar planet in the solar system. By the way, can any one outline the names of the nine planets of the Solar System, in order of their distance from the sun?’ Mr. Johnson paused for his first question.
                   ‘Sir’ was a confident call from behind. It was Henry.
                   ‘I like your guts kid’ commended Mr. Johnson.
                   ‘Y-e-s’ he said asking for the answer to his question which Henry was hesitant in answering, not having fully digested Mr. Johnson’s first compliment.
                    ‘Sir, sorry Mr. Johnson, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Those are the nine planets. Thank you Mr. Johnson’ responded Henry smartly.
                     ‘Excellent! I mean bravo! What’s your name boy?’ Mr. Johnson asked adjusting his specs which was now sliding down his pinched nose.
                      ‘Henry, Henry Philips, that’s my name’
       At this instance, cupids appeared in the atmosphere above. But now it was Cupid Henry shooting an arrow of love into Cupid Naomi’s heart. Naomi was lost fantasizing how this Fairfax genius would be her boy friend. But with Jane on the way, she thought it impossible. Just wishful thoughts she imagined. At the close of school that day, Henry gained fame and friends and since Jane had gone home earlier that day, he thought he would go home alongside his new friends. Just as Naomi was about going home, she saw Henry leaning forward against his locker in the hallway, looking perturbed. She thought it altruistic to inquire what the problem was.
                      ‘Hi, Henry, what’s up, why the frown?’
                      ‘I kind of lost my transport fare’ he answered raising his face to take note of the round-faced, pretty girl standing beside him. He could not ignore her feminine features. She became irresistible to him; ‘Naomi is ravishing he thought. How come he never noticed this all along’ he thought to himself. Now he admired and desired her. However, Henry could have just called his dad to come pick him up, but like Naomi he prefers living as a normal kid; he rather treks home than beg, or have his dad come pick him up.
          ‘Not to worry’ Naomi said as she dipped her hands into her hip pocket.
          ‘Here,’ she continued presenting him with some dollar notes, and having in mind she was going to trek home.
           ‘Will that be enough’ she asked as if she had more to give to him.
           ‘Y-yes, thank you Naomi’ Henry said looking cheerful; his brightly colored eye beaming with joy.
           ‘Oh anything for you Henry’ she replied.
           ‘Eh, here is my phone number you asked for the other day. Give me a call’ Henry said slipping a piece of paper on which he had scribbled his number into her hand.
           ‘Here is mine too, I’ll call you’ Naomi said with a smile as she wrote her number on his right palm. It was an instant chemistry; now Henry gave Naomi his number requesting she calls him not really for the fare she gave him but for the instant fire of love, or may be attraction that now burnt within him. He was not just going to socialize with Naomi as with other girls, but was going to treat her differently.
           ‘But how do you intend going home’ Henry asked.
           ‘Oh don’t you bother your cute head about me, I’ll be fine. See you tomorrow’ she said as they parted ways in the hallway.


 All rights reserved
Copyright 2009
Lysious Ogolo.