It was another sensational day at Thomas Jefferson High School and a sizzling Math quiz was about kicking-off in the 10th grade class. The teacher Mrs. Patience Sparkles had divided the class into three different groups. The group was to choose their representatives. For group A Henry was chosen, for group B, Naomi was appointed and Esther Davis was the leader of group C.
‘Alright now let’s get started. Group A your question; what is the third angle of a triangle with angles 60 and 70. You have 2 minutes’ Ms. Sparkles said. After a few seconds of computation, an answer finally came.
‘The answer is 50 degrees Ms. Sparkles’ was the reply from Henry.
‘That is fast Henry, and you have 5 points for that’ Ms. Sparkles said pretty surprised.
‘Group B your question; the square root of 2 times a certain number, divided by 2 is 1. What is the number?’ Ms. Sparkles said.
‘Now take your time group B, this is pretty difficult’ Ms. Sparkles warned. At this point shivers ran down the spines of members of group B, for they had concluded their representative will screw it. But Naomi was confident and undisturbed. After about 30 seconds, surprisingly, an answer came, earlier than expected.
‘The answer is 2, yes 2’ Naomi said confidently as if anyone disagreed.
‘2-2-2, are you sure’ Ms. Sparkles questioned, trying to pull her legs.
‘Yes 2, I’m sure’ Naomi maintained.
‘And it’s correct’ responded Ms. Sparkles to the surprise of everyone, including Henry who thought she couldn’t figure it out. The next question was for group C, but it was not answered. Thus the next went to group A. Ms. Sparkles had taken Henry unawares who seemed only prepared for calculations. Abruptly, the question came.
‘Group A, what is statistics?’ Ms. Sparkles asked with a smile knowing the students least expected that. Henry had seen the subject while studying but didn’t stop to consider it. After the first minute Henry became nervous and thus could not answer the question. It was then considered a bonus question and passed on to group C, instead of group B. Ms. Sparkles had done this intentionally in order to give an advantage to group C, who was lacking behind. They too couldn’t answer the question, so it was passed to group B. Naomi who is keen at paying attention to details had carefully considered the topic and so gave a quick response.
‘Statistics is the collection, analysis, presentation and complete storage of data, which by definition are unprocessed information. That’s it’ Naomi summarized with a smile. With an air of silence moving through the classroom, Ms. Sparkles muttered.
‘2.5 points for that’
The rest of the competition continued with a string of losses and wins and finally, group B emerged winner. As a result of this Naomi became better appreciated for her intelligence. At the end of school that day, Naomi found Henry happily chatting with some girls in the hallway, and became irate. Henry observing her reaction went after her.
‘Naomi, Naomi, Naomi, I’m calling you’ he said as he pulled her hand.
‘What is it? Why the hell are you bugging me? Go have your fun and leave me alone’ she retorted raising reactions from other students in the almost crowded hallway.
‘Look Naomi, it’s you I love, and it’s not what you think. I was only being friendly’ Henry said trying to win her over.
‘Oh spare me that! Go and tell it to the first graders. I’m out of here’ she said as she dashed downstairs. Henry stood there for a while before slowly walking downstairs and then to the bus station where he boarded a bus home and didn’t talk to anyone until he got home.
Back at Naomi’s home, she couldn’t eat or drink anything. This elicited concern from her mom, who detests seeing her only child, worried.
‘Baby, what is the matter with you, you’ve been like this since you got back? Is everything alright’ she asked.
‘Mom, I love him, but he keeps cheating on me’ she spoke up tearfully, as she sat up on the bed sobbing. Her mom looking surprised at her daughter then sat at the edge of the bed close to her daughter.
‘Love h-i-m, who are you talking about? Honey you never told me you were dating’
‘Yes, I know, and I’m sorry mom. His name is Henry. He is 18 and is from Fairfax . He had the highest score on the Entrance Examination. First I thought it was my classmate Jane, but today I saw him happily chatting with Philomena and other girls after school. I hate it when he talks to other girls in that manner’ Naomi complained expressing her bitterness.
‘Look honey, I understand how you feel, but the truth is, what you are experiencing is mere infatuation. True love is never jealous, and for all you know, he may not be into those girls. He may just be a guy with a habit of socializing. Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll come back to you if he truly loves you. It’s okay, stop crying. It’s lunch time, and I don’t want your dad to get panicky over your refusal to eat’ her mom said assuredly as she led the seventeen year old to the dinning room downstairs, in the magnificent one storey building painted in a brilliant white and light shade of green; a combination reflective of the favorite colors of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and their lovely angel.
‘Moreover, honey, your exams are fast approaching. Just two weeks away. That needs your attention more’ her mom continued reminding her of the importance of her exams.
The next day, Naomi found Henry chatting with Esther Davis, the girl who messed up in the Math quiz. Up until now, Naomi had always thought Henry was a guy of class, but now she was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he is just characteristically sociable like her mom said. But just before Henry came up to her, she ran into Mark the second time.
‘Hi gorgeous, we um meet again.’
‘You again, why don’t you just leave me alone, we don’t belong to the same class’ Naomi said in an irritable voice.
‘You know class has nothing to do with this. You are beautiful and I just want to get to know you better, besides I’m just a class ahead of you. So, what’s your name?’ Mark asked.
‘Naomi, Naomi Graham’
‘Naomi Graham, are you in any way related to Vivian Graham of Vivian’s Styles in New York City ?’ Mark asked anxiously.
‘Hmm, I see you are pretty well-informed. Well, she is my aunt, my dad’s junior sister’.
‘Impressive. I’m Mark Blake. My dad controls the New York Times printing press. Um, nice to meet you’ Mark said stretching out his hand towards her for a hand-shake.
‘Nice to meet you too’ she said as she shook his hands, which he clasped around hers and was hesitant in withdrawing.
‘I have got to go now, see you around. It was nice meeting you’ Naomi said as she withdraw her hand in a rather awkward moment and ran up the stairs of the 100 acre Thomas Jefferson High beautifully painted in brilliant shades of white, Gray, blue and green combinations.
‘Good morning Naomi, who was that?’ came a nervous question from Henry as he followed her up the stairs.
‘Oh he’s just some 11th grader’ she responded without details.
‘So, how was your night?’ Henry continued.
‘Fine and yours?’ was an abrupt response.
‘It was hell. I stayed awake all night thinking of you. Naomi I love you, I truly do. Please be my girlfriend’ Henry asked emotionally. Just then Naomi beamed revealing her well arranged dental structure with a slit at the middle. She seemed to have been waiting for this, and she looked more beautiful with a smile, Henry thought.
‘Your girlfriend, don’t you think it is too early; I mean let us get to know each other better. I’ll just be your close friend, not your girl friend, okay?’ she responded as she held him by his hands.
‘Perfect, I mean I’m okay with it’ Henry said smiling, his eyes glowing. Just then the bell rang.
‘Let’s hurry, it’s time for English Language’ Henry said as they both walked away hand in hand. The attraction that existed between both of them was more like a gravitational pull, and in no time mere friendship was swept under the carpet. Mark soon got to find out the relationship between Henry and Naomi, and vowed for the rest of his stay at Thomas Jefferson High to keep him away from her.
All rights reserved
Copyright Lysious Ogolo
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