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Thursday, November 25, 2010


    The subsequent semesters were very successful for Bisi, Kunle, and Abayomi. The news of their parent's reconciliation really stirred up the siblings as they decided to make the best results in their departments. The final year was not easy for Kunle who had to visit some general hospitals for practicals. There he was exposed to dead bodies and was even asked to carry out experiments in which he had to dissect the brains of some dead bodies in order to study the brain cells. This he did with his lecturer's assistance as a final year test. The determined future medical doctor had to spend sleepless nights, studying voluminous medical texts and materials. For Bisi, the bulk of her final year thesis was based on analytical procedures of financial accounts. She was asked to work with some financial firms in order to carry out an analysis of business procedures and accurate record keeping.
   Abayomi in a similar vein did not find things easy too. He was asked to work with some field civil engineers to acquire practical knowledge. He also had to rigorously study both outdated and modern materials on Civil Engineering, and was exposed to brain twisting engineering mathematical problems. But if it is painful, it must be gainful, he thought.
  The final year examinations were around the corner. It was actually slated for September, 28 and all final year students were asked to submit and defend their thesis paper after the examinations. Bisi, who graduated before Kunle and Abayomi, submitted her thesis in her fianl year. Abayomi was however asked by his lecturer Mr. Washington, an American professor of Civil Engineering, to modify  and elaborate his thesis. He was asked to this with adequate references and illustrations. This was so much work and had to be done in the stated time. Abayomi extended the tentacles of his research and emphasized practicality in his work. This time it was accepted and he was commented by Mr. Washington.

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