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Monday, May 30, 2011


From the western part of Africa,
Son of an African mother,
Son of an African father,
Son of the king of kings,
I've been saved by the blood, reborn as a prince,
Had my mindset renewed, had my vision corrected, ever since,

Born with a dream,
That one day I will shine like a beam,
Conceived with a message,
That would usher in a new age,
Entrusted with a mandate,
From my birthdate,

A mandate it is to bring hope to the hopeless,
Joy to the sad, the reckless and restless,
To point them to the giver of ife,
The son of the most high, who gave His life,
The second person in the God head,
He's the word made flesh, the same as the head,
This is the reaon for which I live,

That a dying soul would receive a message of hope,
That the restless spirit would receive a word of peace to cope,
That the hurting, the abused, the hated, the dejected,
The messed-up, the wasted, the abandoned and the rejected,
Would have a bridge of hope-a reason to live again,
A reason to arise from their mess, their crushed souls, and live again,
That they would mount on wings like the eagle to soar again,
Inspite of how many times they have failed,
This is The Reason for which I was called...

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