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Sunday, December 25, 2011


A destruction of the plan,
By the fall of man,
The intervention of the divine-a long prophesied process,
A gift of one not conceived by natural process,
A gift given by a loving God for reconciliation,
Thus was the night worthy of celebration,
When that long process was conceived in a special birth,
Signaling the end of eternal death,
A night heralded by angelic voices,
A night celebrated by heavenly choruses,
That all would some day return to the plan,
As we are reconciled eternally with the Father in Paradise-a new plan for man,
That is Christmas in a Nutshell!

So there abounds so much joy and gladness,
Not for the abundance of gifts, clothes and other items,
Not for shopping discounts, parties, drinks and other diadems,
But for the blessed hope initiated by this season,
A hope present in the only reason,
A seasonal joy only perpetuated by the presence of the reason,
In the life of mere mortals, the sole reason for the gift of the season,
Hence, Christmas in a Nutshell remains appreciated only by those who have been saved by the gift of Christmas.

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