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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


My vision is alive on my mind,
My purpose so strong, I can't leave behind,
To forfeit the vow and the covenant I can't afford,
So I strive to remain in one accord,
With my maker as He guides me through this world,
With the precepts of his unfailing word,

But in the midst of this journey,
I realize it is not always milk and honey,
Cos sometimes I fall,
But I pick myself up, dust myself and continue, standing tall,
Sometimes I am beaten to the ground,
And I feel like giving up, when I'm down to the ground,
But then I realize that in this race of life, falling down is part of the process,
But staying down is not-not at all a part of the process,

So sometimes I fall,
Sometimes I feel like giving up the call,
Sometimes I feel I am being caved in on by those walls,
Sometimes I feel like my world is crumbling down around me,
Sometimes I feel like the heavens are closed down on me,
But I don't quit,
Neither do I wilt,
I draw my courage from within, like a light,
And shove the past aside, as I strive for the future which is always bright,
'Cos I know that failure is never falling down,
But failure is always staying down,
Cos I realize that it is not how many times you fall,
But how many times you are able to rise, as you heed your maker's call

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