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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Some say she is a weaker vessel,
Some say she is just an empty vessel,
Others think she is emotionally and physically weaker,
They say the man is much better and brighter,
But I don't think so, and I hate to burst some bubbles,
For after much meditation and constant struggles,
Trying to wrap my mind around this creature called Woman,
I've come to understand an undeniable truth, an astonishing revelation,
I call it The Strength of a Woman!

It's a strength etched within the fibers of her being from creation,
She was created to be a helpmeet, a helper of creation,
She possesses a strength of emotion, a power of passion,
She was intellectually equipped to look beyond the surface,
So she sees that which lies beneath surface,
Keen to details, armed with better analytical skills, she sees through the inter phase,
And yes, she is a woman, a wife, a mother, a breadwinner, a teacher, and a caretaker,
Oh how I wonder at the inexhaustible strength of this creature called Woman,

That which the man prides himself in she can do even double,
She is emotionally stronger, sometimes physically better, and even intellectually wiser, now that's a triple,
She wields a power which brings the strongest of men to their knees; it's the power of herself,
She knows how to get just what she wants without physically burning out herself,
She is subtle, sometimes cunning, clever, and attention getting, persuasive with her words,
Sometimes I feel she rules the world,
And no, she is not just an empty vessel or a subject of sex appeal,
But one whose presence in a man's life, creates a better appeal,
Think about a man's world without her-chaos and disorder,
But when she steps in the reverse is the case-order, order, and order,
Now that's the strength of a woman!

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