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Friday, September 23, 2011


Even before I was conceived in my mother's womb,
I was given a mandate,
Before I was delivered into this vain and worthless world,
I was given a purpose, from my birthdate to my deathdate,
So I have a message in my heart,
So intertwined with my spirit it cannot be torn apart,
A message so alive in my soul, it cannot be stifled,
A mandate so lively in my being, it cannot be trifled,
So I say, it's a new age,
And I have a message,
I will shout it from the rooftop,
Sing it from the mountaintop,
Spread like raindrops,
From the north to the south to the ends of the earth,
With my own hands, my own feet and my own mouth,
Until the whole world hears it,

So even if I get knocked down,
Even if I get pushed to the ground,
Even if I'm suffering in the valley,
Like an ever rising lily,
I shall arise and continue with this mandate,
For not even my circumstance,
Stands a chance,
Whether good or bad,
Happy or sad,
Regardless of my situation,
In spite of my disposition,
I'll shout it from the rooftop,
Sing it from the mountaintop,
Spread it like raindrops,
Until the whole world hears it,
For it is a message of hope,
A mandate of restoration,
And a purpose of reconciliation,
That the broken shall become the risen,
The crying shall become the singing,
The dejected shall become the accepted and the celebrated.
This is what I live for: to reveal God to my world in all I do.
And I will do this till the day I die!
So help me God.

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