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Friday, December 24, 2010


As the year comes to an end,
And we all have the chance to be with friends,
Family and acquaintances at the dining table,
Chattering and laughing as we recount our experiences in the year so far,
I am most grateful to God for keeping us together and stable,
For keeping us safe and making us who we now are,
So this Christmas, in this yuletide season,
I am grateful and thankful for a number of reasons,

This Christmas,
I am grateful for mom and dad,
This Christmas I am thankful to God, whether good or bad,
I am grateful for my kid brother,
And whether I get gifts or not, I wouldn't bother,
For the year has been filled with so much gifts already,
The gifts of life, of health, of success, of safety and of family,
So this Christmas, in spite of the challenges of the year, I am grateful,

This Christmas,
Honey, I am grateful for you,
For loving me and helping me go through,
Life's hurdles and turbulence,
And offering me a space and a chance,
In the depth of your soul and at the center of your heart,
The reason I'm sure we can never be torn apart,
So, under the mistletoes baby, I'll place my arms around you,
Feel the warmth of you skin, and through the cold of the night, shall be bye you,
So, this Christmas, I am thanful to God for you,

This Christmas,
If I was a kid again and Santa comes visiting,
I'll sit on his lap, singing and demanding,
Not for gifts or packages, but for opportunity,
Opportunity to give back to those needy kids, the poor and the helpless, fulfilling their fantasy,
Of  a better and brighter Christmas, not necessarily a whiter one,
I'll ask for an opporunity to make Christmas happen for someone,
Every single day for the next three hundred and sixty five days,
This Christmas, I am grateful for these and many others...
What are you grateful for?
Love to hear from you...

Merry Christmas.

Copyright Lysious.

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