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Friday, May 13, 2011


May be you used to tust God, but right now, you are so broken,
You have forgotten how to pray, your bones are shaken,
Your spirit is crushed,
Your soul is bruised,
You are broken!

Your peace have gone away,
Your joy has faded away,
Lot's of issues on your mind,
You are presently going through the tide,

My heart is heavy for you my brother,
My spirit is burdened for you my sister,
I am filled with emotions right now even as I write,
And yet there is still a lot on my heart, which I want to alight,

I feel your pain,
But I don't want you to go through this again,
So please, no matter what lies you have been told,
JESUS still is the answer to your questions, His riches are untold,

Quit crying my dear,
Stop sheeding those tears, my dear,
Pick yourself up,
For the comforter has come to comfort you,
The deliverer has come to deliver you,
His name is JESUS!

It doesn't matter what your pain is,
May be you were sexually abused,
Mentally misused,
And even physically used,
But Lysious, you don't even know me,
Why do you care so much about me,

Yes, I may not know you,
But God knows you,
And through your pain and misery,
Through you heartaches and sorrowful story,
Through the anger, the despondency, the pessisim which you now feel,
I want you to know that JEHOVAH JIREH, the lord who heals, wants to heal,
He wants to heal your body, your soul, your spirit, your mind, and your heart,
He wants to fix you up, mend your broken heart,
And turn your situation around,
Go to Him now in prayer and trust Him,
And I'm sure He would come around,
And heal your broken life. Peace.

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