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Monday, September 12, 2011


I still remember the stories I was told about Jesus as a kid,
Stories of how He gave up His life for us,
How He loves us so much and is coming back for us,
There were also songs of the ultimate price He paid on that old rugged cross,
Then there were the questions of what I've done for Him,
I couldn't fully grasp the gravity of the cross and my salvation,
I couldn't really understand all of those stories, 
But I believed and accepted them as truth, and now years later, after so many ups and downs,
Trials and difficulties, failures and successes, pains and gains,
I still believe that one day, like those bible stories say,
My lord shall come back for His saints, to take them away,

Some have asked, "Is there really a God?",
Others have questioned, "Does God really care about me?"
And yet many more wonder, "When shall this Jesus come?"
"I mean, we've heard countless stories of Doom's day",
"We've also had specific predictions on the end of the world",
"When indeed shall the end be?"
Well, you can look at Matthew chapter 24 for more,
But while you are at it,
Just know that, there is really a God and He does care about you,

And one day, that long told story of our savior's return,
Shall be played out before the eyes of the world,
One day, the Lord himself shall descend with a loud voice,
The trump of God and the voice of the arch angel,
One day, life as we know it shall be changed forever,
And we all shall be made to face the reality of eternity-heaven or hell,
Indeed, one day all of this present physical mortal earth shall fizzle away,
Like the chaff that is blown away by the wind,
To usher in the New Jerusalem, paradise on earth, 
One day, the saints of God shall reign and rule with Him in glory,
One day, it shall all come to pass, 
And this one day, no man knows except God the father, 
But my question to you is what shall that day bring to you; life or death, heaven or hell?
Are you really ready for this one day, or are you just blazing through life, or perhaps still a Doubting Thomas?
It's up to you, but just know that Jesus is always waiting to receive you,
But you have to hurry before it's too late,
'Cause this one day could be any day, you just never know.

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