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Monday, September 12, 2011


When I was a child, all I ever wanted were ice cream,
Candies, nice clothes and shoes; I had no worries, no responsibilities,
I was just being a kid,
Then I became a teenager, and the struggles began-which way to go, decisions to make;
Who to follow-peer pressure, but I still didn't worry about many things:
Tuition, money for clothes, a house and the likes, my parents thought about those,
But fast forward, years later, I'm now 21 and suddenly I feel like time is running out,
I'm suddenly concerned about my career, job, the bills and sometimes the choice of the right spouse,
But in the midst of all these, the struggle of everyday life and the many stress and pressure of living;
The rat race, trying to keep up with the Joneses, I realize that my ultimate goal is to make it to heaven,

For after all is said and done, there's really nothing that can compare to my soul,
All the vanities and emptiness that I crave for, stay awake for and work for,
Will all fade away at my departure from this worthless world,
 I just want to cross over to the other side, to make it there-to heaven,
After all the trials and tribulations, the prayers and fasting, preaching and teaching,
The challenges, the difficulties, the pains, the tears and the sorrows,
After all the singing, the joys, the celebrations, the testimonies, and the thanksgivings,
After my life here is over, I just want to make it there, 
So, I'll run if I have to, I'll jump if I have to, crawl if I have to, until I make it there,
For I don't live for the worthlessness, the craziness and the repulsiveness of this world,
I don't live for fast money, fast cars riding on fast lanes, the bouncing and the popping,
I don't live for the designer clothes, the high mansions, the endorsements, the girls;
I don't live for the fame, the fortune, the flash and the cash,
But I live to die, to die to this world and its lusts and to make it there,
I live to be raptured with the saints, to see the glorious face of my lord,
And to hear Him say, "Well done,"
I live everyday, just to make it there.
So help me God.

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