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Sunday, September 18, 2011


Used to think I was the biggest boss,
Captain of my ship, so fly, so sharp,
Used to think I rule the world, king of my castle,
Used to think the world revolves around me, the throne to be watched, 
Until I met Him who created the universe at the command of His voice,

Everything was at my beck and call, I was too big to fail, to high to fall,
I was afraid no one, regarded no one, living in a world of my own,
Thought I was a legend, someone larger than life, seated on my throne,
Millions adored me, thousands respected me, and hundreds more looked up to me, 
I was at the forefront, the point one man, the world's greatest,
Then I met the I am that I am, the one who made something out of nothing, the miracle worker,

Used to think I was so connected like a spine to a bone,
When I throw a party, anybody who was somebody must be there,
Everything I did, I did it big, didn't think I was accountable to anyone,
Until that fateful day, when my fallibility and gullibility was revealed to me,
Then I realized that my financial and material security was nothing without eternal security,
I realized that I was nothing but dust living on borrowed breath, the breath of the almighty,
When I met Him who was, and is and is to come,
The one who destroyed a whole nation by the blink of His eyes,
He who sits on His throne, and yet the whole world is before Him-omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient,
When I met Him, I had no choice than to bow and submit to His supremacy,
And ever since my life has been filled with so much meaning and promise-the promise of a better place beyond this worthless world.

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