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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


On the shores of peace, in the land of our fatherland we lay,
Sharing laughter peace and joy everyday,
Then they broke into our land, and our peace they seized,
With thundering marches from within, our rest ceased,
In the twilight of a happy dawn, attacked by those into whose hands, our lives entrusted,
Our joy in the twinkling of an eye, was gone,
In the break of a glorious dawn, wounded by those we trusted,
Our unity broken in two, was no longer one,
The sun wailed for our troubles,
The moon cried for our struggles,
But the world was silent when we called,

When the hands of brutality attacked our mortality,
When the bullets of inhumanity shot us into eternity,
When our daugters were rapped and shattered,
And our sons killed and battered,
In the midst of the genocide,
Within the suicide and regicide,
Our hearts bled,
And our tears turned blood, we shed,
We wailed to those to whom we pledged allegiance,
But they responded with negligence,
We called to those with whom we had a commonwealth,
But they responded with a silence similar to death,
The world was silent when we called!

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