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Thursday, September 22, 2011


If I have to search through all the dictionaries of this world for the right words,
If I have to look through every library on our planet for the right lexicon,
To adequately describe you,
To exhaustively explain you,
It would be an exercise in futility,
It would be a wasted effort, in its entirety,
For you are beyond mental perception,
You are beyond human description,
Your beauty is beyond artificiality,
Your nature is beyond perceptibility,
You are God!

How can I ever describe you,
Who spoke the universe into existence,
How can I ever possibly explain you,
Who commanded our cosmos into a perceptible essence, 
Lord, I long for words to totally illustrate,
I long for words to really explicate,
You who ride upon the heavens with your name JAH!
You who live beyond our galaxy with your name ALPHA!
You who are seated on your throne, elevated in glory, with your name OMEGA!
You who are seated on your throne, elevated in majesty, with your name JEHOVAH!
When I think of you, and all you made, your awesomeness, your might and your power,
I'm speechless, dumb-founded, awe-struck, flabber-whelmed and over-ghasted,
For the mind of mere gullible and fallible mortals like us, cannot fully comprehend you,
'Cause you are God!

Lord, what more can I say?
If I say I'm amazed at you,
That will be an understatement,
If I say I'm in awe of you,
It will still not do you justice,
'Cause truth is, lord you are beyond description,
Beyond comprehension,
Far beyond perception,
And greater than human explication,
So I bow in adoration and total submission,
'Cause you alone are God!

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