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Friday, July 15, 2011


I welcome you to the beginning of yet another day in this cycle of life,
It's a brand new day, and another opportunity to live a better life,
But just in case you are asking, what is good about today?
And what is so special about this new day?
May be because your life is far from happy,
In fact it is closer to gloomy than it is to happy,
Well, I may not be able to help you,
But I have a friend who can,
So it is my pleasure to introduce to you, the word made flesh,
The one who lived among men, and gave up His flesh,
That you will have life and have it more abundantly, beyond the flesh,
His name is JESUS,

This morning, this new beginning, will signal the end to your mourning and worrying,
For you don't have any reason to remain in a place of bleakness or despair,
For even before you were born, a significant incident transpired,
A long time ago on a place called Calvary,
It was at that place that a new life was bought for you,
Hence, it remains my utmost pleasure to introduce to you,
The one who made your salvation possible,
The one who made your liberation palpable,
His name is JESUS,

So for that one battling addiction,
It is my pleasure to introduce to you the author of salvation and liberation,
For that one contemplating suicide,
It is my pleasure to introduce to you the one who bled from His side,
That you may have a new life and cross over to a better side,
Look up to Him, He will answer your prayers and heed your calls,
And He'll be there to catch you when you fall,
For that one struggling with finances,
It is my pleasure to introduce to you to one who redefined the principles of finances,
By providing money through an aquatic creature,
For that one who is dealing with marital issues,
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the only faithful bride, who settled marital issues,
By modelling for us what true love should be, settling the issues,
Regardless of your situation in life, it is my pleasure to introduce to you,
The one who can carry your burdens for you, and give you a better life,
His name is JESUS.
Invite Him into your life today: Just pray and say Lord Jesus, I believe you died for me, and I invite you into my life as my lord and savior. Amen. 


Heart-aches, headaches, worries and anxieties,
What to wear, what to eat; the necessities, 
Leave me complaining and grumbling,
Asking and seeking,
For a brighter day, for a new day;
I long for the passage of my sorrow,
And the revelation of a better tomorrow,
But then I realize that I'm commanded to live worry-free,
And to pray and hope for that which must be,
For in the midst of all these, I'm sure of one thing:
As long as there is life, there is hope,

Today may not be like the good old yesterdays,
But I know that tomorrow shall be a better day,
For one thing is sure; there is always something better in the future,
If only we can live with optimism,
As we jettison the burdens of pessimism,
For though our troubles bear long,
And our many unrealized dreams leave us with a sorrowful song,
We can always put a smile on our faces,
Mount on the wings of hope and soar to better and bigger stages,
For we know that as long as there is life, there is hope,

So here is my advice: No matter how hard it gets, you must never give up on yourself, your dreams and on life. Hold on, persevere, endure, pray, hope, work, smile and laugh often. For your best is yet to come. Peace.


           One month later, Henry and other members of the Neurosurgery department were scheduled for a school trip to Tampa, Florida. Prior to this period, Naomi’s room had become Carlton’s haunt, and after series of turn-downs, he persisted. That evening, the weather at the Johns Hopkins University campus was unusually cold, with gusty winds swaying the daisies and roses violently. The pine tree swayed as though it will break, and Naomi’s room was pretty cold with the first winter breezes. Normally, Henry came by at such cold evenings to cuddle her up and talk sweetly into her ears till she was dizzy. But now he was away and she
missed him. Naomi lay cold snuggled up in a blanket, when she heard a knock at the door. She reluctantly stood up and shuffled to the door to open it. It was Carlton who was standing there with some daisies in his hands. She was about slamming the door in his face, when he gently pushed the
        “Please Naomi, be hospitable for once. Besides, it’s cold out here,” he said shivering.
        “Sorry, but I can’t remember asking you to come to my room, did I? Anyway, come in and have a seat if you like,” she said with a frown, walking gracefully to her green colored couch, which blended with the brilliant white walls of her room.
        “Actually, I had come by to give you these,” he said stretching his hands, giving her the flowers.
        “Carlton, it’s not my birthday, neither is it Valentine’s Day, so what’s up with the flowers? Anyway, just drop them on the table,” she said looking in a different direction as he dropped the daisies on the round glass table supported on four gold colored legs.
        “I also thought that since Henry is not around and you’ll be feeling lonely, I could read this poem I just wrote to you,” Carlton said holding out a sheet of paper in his hands.
        “Carlton I didn’t ask for company, but I can see how desperate you are, so go ahead,” Naomi said. Carlton started reading.
         The sun rises at the sight of you;
         the radiance of your face drowns the glow of the moon,
         Even the birds sing of your tenderness and
         And the smell of the winds remind me of the
         softness and fragrance of your skin,
         I can’t help but kiss those tender lips of yours,
         And feel the sensual warmth of your skin.

Carlton read with so much love, or perhaps lust and passion in his eyes. At this point Naomi was melting under the influence of those romantic words and she didn’t mind that Carlton was now rolling his tongue all over hers and moving his hands up her white silk sleeping gown. The Escape perfume from Calvin Klein that Naomi was covered in seemed to worsen the situation, as Carlton sniffed and kissed her neck, simultaneously. Carlton had had his way; Naomi seemed very emotional and susceptible to romantic words. She couldn’t resist Carlton’s charm, his command of the English language, and romantic or may be subtle and mischievous nature. The two were now cuddled up against each other, making out, when suddenly and unexpectedly
the door opened.
         “Jesus Christ, Naomi!” the voice exclaimed. It was Henry.
         “Hen—Hen-Henry, it’s not what you think. We were just . . .”
         “Just doing what? It’s not what I think uh?” Henry retorted.
         “I catch you making out with this; this . . . and you tell me it’s not what I think? You know what? I c-c-can’t even . . .I’m out of here!” He dashed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Just then Carlton ran out of the room with his daisies. It turned out he needed that as part of the bait to allure his prey. Naomi was now left alone weeping and sobbing, probably feeling miserable and undeserving of Henry. Although Henry was disciplined and caring, he couldn’t stand the chance of losing his girlfriend to someone
else, or having her cheat on him. May be it’s because he’s been there for her through the good times, the bad times, and the worst times. He was there when she first had a heart attack, when she was in coma for three months, and he was by her when she carried a ventilator around. So, Henry couldn’t understand why Naomi would cheat on him. May be Henry needed to know Naomi was very emotional, and was thus easily turned on by romantic words. And may be Naomi needed to know Henry is not just a socialite but also
as jealous as she was. Just may be they needed to know each other better.

Love Birds: Beyond Death, now available at major retail outlets in the United States, Canada and the UK.
amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, chapters.indigo.ca, abebooks.com, and alibris.com. 

Love Quote of the Day: "At last, when love is both true and eternal"


       It was a warm summer afternoon, and the cool breezes rushed through the Pine trees arranged in rows along the sidewalk, producing a whistling sound, as they swayed from right to left. Squirrels kept jumping from tree to tree eating fruits from tree branches strong enough to carry their medium sized bodies. Henry and Naomi were standing in the shade of one of those pine trees, when Carlton walked up in a swagger.
          “What’s up Naomi? May I have a word with you?” he said ignoring Henry’s presence.
          “Carlton haven’t you got any manners. Can’t you see I’m with a friend?” Naomi asked squinting as though the breezes sipped through her eyes.
          “Your friend-boy uh? I see. What’s up . . . what’s his name again?” he said as if trying to recall Henry’s name.
          “Oh never mind. Who cares about his name?” Carlton said scornfully, while Henry maintained his calm.
          “Do you mind if I have a minute, or two, or three, or the whole day with your friend—girl?” he asked laughing as he patted Henry’s back, but Henry seemed indifferent.
          “That’s it Carlton!You have gone too far. Please leave now! I am not speaking with you!” Naomi said.
          “No—no Naomi it’s okay. I’m cool with it,” Henry said attempting to leave.
          “You can go ahead and have a chat. I’ll be in my room when you are done. See you around buddy,” Henry said patting Carlton’s back as he left. Carlton quickly dusted off his neatly ironed check shirt as though Henry’s hand left dirt on it.
          “I’m not your buddy man,” he muttered.
          “You see Naomi; shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and . . .” Carlton was rudely interrupted by Naomi as he tried quoting one of Shakespeare’s sonnets.
          “See Carlton just spare me those poetic jargon of yours. I haven’t got all day please. Just say what you want to say and leave!’’
         “Naomi what I mean is I love you so much and would want you to be my . . .” Carlton was abruptly interrupted again.
         “Hello, have I been speaking to the winds this whole time? Henry is my boy friend!” she said in monosyllables, stretching the friend like the tail of the little squirrel that just ran past, and then walked away.
         “Well, fine!Go!But just so you know, Carlton Geoffrey will always get what Carlton Geoffrey wants,” he said laughing mischievously as he bounced down the sidewalk to join a group of boys in front of the arts department.
Love Birds: Beyond Death, now available at the following retail outlets:
www.iuniverse.com: http://www.iuniverse.com/Bookstore/BookSearchResults.aspx?Search=love%20birds:%20beyond%20death
 www.barnesandnoble.com: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/love-birds-beyond-death?store=book
www.AbeBooks.com: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=lysious&sts=t&tn=love+birds%3A+beyond+death&x=42&y=11
www.alibris.com: http://www.alibris.com/booksearch?keyword=love+birds+beyond+death&mtype=B&hs.x=20&hs.y=10

Friday, July 8, 2011


When the going gets tough,
The tough doesn't get going,
I look at the tough and I get going,
Not weighed down by the tough, but made tougher,
And stronger by the toughness of the tough,
Sometimes it gets rough, and I'm often bruised by the roughness,
Sometimes the pain of the valleys pierces the dermis of my skin,
Even the heat of the mountain top seeps through my soul's foreskin,
But in the midst of it all, when the going gets tough, I get going,
Because I realize that when the tough refuses to get going,
I need to leave the tough behind and get going,


Greatness beyond human comprehension,
Beauty beyond mortal description,
Beauty, not of carnality but of holiness,
Beauty, not of superficiality but of righteousness,
The invisible being,
The spirit being,
The one whose abode is hidden from human perception,
The one whose dwelling place is far beyond man's revelation,
He's God all by Himself; He's God alone,

Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient is His name,
The unchangeable changer, unchanged by times and season, always the same,
In case you're still wondering the God I speak of,
In case you're still pondering the God I write of,
He is the God that came to us in the likeness of man-the incarnation,
The God who gave us hope of eternal life-the redemption,
He is the one we call Jehovah,
Our ever present help and caring father,
Who is also in Himself the consuming fire,
He alone is God, He is God alone,

Man in his fallibility tries to disprove His existence,
Humans in their gullibility refuse to acknowledge His presence,
But He is not bothered, 'cause He doesn't need man's acknowledgement,
Neither does He need man's acceptance to rule the firmaments,
But refusing to acknowledge Him will be to your own detriment,
But may be you are one of those who think they are self-sufficient,
Well just so you know, whether you believe it or not, His judgment is imminent,
For some day, this present world shall fade away for the revelation of a new earth,
When the dead in Christ shall rise from the earth, filled with a new breath,
To be with the lord, then it will be too late for a turn around,
For whatever goes around, will come around,
So believe it or not your actions would be judged,
But while you are still contemplating,
Just know that He alone is God, He is God alone,
He doesn't really need you to sit on His throne.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Think about how you went on dates,
Made plans for each other, never missed any dates,
Think about how you opened the car for her,
And waited for her to come in, before closing the door after her,
You treated her like a queen, like her royal highness,
You treated him like your king, like his royal highness,
And this was before the marriage,

Now it seems like your marriage is becoming boring,
You don't need a divorce or time apart, you just need a little spicing, something exciting,
Make time for each other, just like you used to do before the marriage,
Sometimes sir, just stop and give her a long and passionate kiss,
Give her a long wide smile, she will be sure not to miss,
Sometimes madam, tell him how much you adore him,
And how much you appreciate him,
Just like you used to do before the marriage,

Yes, before the marriage,
There lies the  solution to your shaky marriage,
Return to the intensity of your love before the marriage,
How crazy you were of each other,
How much you vowed to love each other forever,
As you walked down the aisle,
You were sure your union would be worth its while,
Well, it is still possible, if you just re-ignite the fire of your love before the marriage,
Yes, before the marriage, that's where the answer lies. 
Remember: True love is forever, and so is marriage, forever, well at least till death.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


You met each other at the right time,
Your love was at its prime,
You were two love birds: beyond death, so inseparable,
Together you were enviable, very desirable,
You would always tell her she is beautiful,
She would always tell you you are wonderful,
But that was before the marriage,

Now fast-forward, two years later, after the marriage,
You have suddenly become too busy for each other, after the marriage,
There seems to be too much friction in your union,
Now you are confused, unhappy, after your once blissful union,
But the reason is not far fetched, just look within,
Yeah, the answer to your problems, lies within,
All you need do is rewind to your lives before the marriage...



Remember when you said you wanted a man,
Who would love you for you and be your one and only?
All you wanted was true love, a man who cherishes you,
You were becoming impatient, you vied for attention,
You searched for true love, for honest passion,
Then he came along, a gift from above,
He was your Mr. Right, your true love,
You cherished him and loved him for as long as you could remember,
But then you met that guy, yes that guy with the killer looks,
And now that once cherished man of yours has become a forgotten story,
How could you?

Now you want a man with all the money,
Not just a man who would call you honey,
Now you want a man who would make you glow,
A man who would let you know, by a flamboyant show,
How much he loves you, you want a man who would,
Not just love you with everything, but who would give you everything,
So you treat your husband like a piece of trash, you don't appreciate him anymore,
Because he is not as wealthy like that guy, that guy with the cash and flash,
Really, how could you?

Now you parade yourself about, you a married woman,
In another man's car, sleep in his bed, and spend the night at his house,
Not thinking of your own husband, but yet when you come home, he still loves you,
Ah! How could you be so heartless? How could you even live with yourself?
Would you like to be treated like wise? Think about it!


You know what it was like when you chased her up and down the block,
You were ready to sail the seven seas just to be with her,
You were prepared to do anything just to be by her side,
She was the reason behind your sleepless nights,
The constant thought in your head upon your bed,
You would be with none other but her,
Then she finally said yes, and now what?
You treat her like a piece of trash,
You stab in her in the back, betray her trust, and made her a laughing stock,
How could you?

That girl loved you with all she's got, she gave you all she's got,
Her body, her soul, her spirit, her mind, everything,
She was prepared to die for you, she loved you with the very fiber of her being,
She was the first and only one to answer when you called,
When everyone else abandoned you, she stood by you,
But you cheat on her with everything in skirts, so unfaithful,
You don't even care about her anymore, now you're too busy to spend time with her,
She wants your attention, she craves your love, she desires your care;  just to tell her she is beautiful,
She wishes you would kiss her again, hold her close and look into her eyes with love,
But no! You prefer to mess around with another, treat her like a last resort-your fall back person,
How could you?

You don't love her anymore,
You don't even like her as before,
She disgusts you, she irritates you,
The mere sight of her upsets you,
But why?
Remember that this girl was the reason you refused to eat,
Because she wouldn't accept your first proposal,
She was the reason you worked odd shifts,
Just so you can take care of her,
But now all that has be thrown to the winds,
You have suddenly picked interest in another,
And I ask, how could you?
Think about it, would you like to be treated likewise?


Sometimes I'm amazed by why people fall in love,
I'm amazed at why people stick together like hands to a glove,
Of the millions of women on the face of the earth,
A man finds just one woman who becomes his breath,
Of the many men on the planet, 
A woman finds a man, and that's it,
She loves him with all she's got,
Honestly, I'm constantly amazed by this thing called love,

She's a nagging woman, a talkative, very demanding,
But he still loves her,
Her meals are not the best, she doesn't do much cooking,
But he still loves her,
He's very unorganized, he litters his socks and clothes,
But she still loves him,
He pretends to be listening when she talks, 
But she knows he's not listening,
She has said it time and time again, yet he won't place the toilet seat down,
Yet she still loves him,
Hmmm...This thing called love sure amazes me.

This is why I believe it is hard to really be in love with two people,
Because the nature of true love is very selfish,
When it comes to Eros love, it is very selfish,
You may like many women, but you can only love one,
You may be attracted to many men, but you can only love one,
This is why I also believe love is divine,
Because the whole institution of marriage is divine,
Love, love, love, oh love, how you amaze me.

But before I wrap this up, let me introduce you to a man,
Who really showed true love, I mean His love was sacrificial,
He was prepared to die for the ones He loved, now that's love,
Even when the ones He died for have refused to acknowledge Him,
Let alone accept Him, He still loves them,
Are you in search of true love?
Then invite JESUS into your life,
His love is Agape, it is sacrificial,
It is enduring, endless and ever faithful.


I see her, I adore her, I think I like her;
I'm not sure if it is love I feel for her,
And I'm not sure if she likes me back,
I send endearing words, but she never sends any back,
But I know this is not lust, 
Besides, I'm saved not lost,
So, I tell her I want to be friends,
But then I feel a part of me feels otherwise,
A part of me wants to be just friends,
But then a part of me feels otherwise,

Sometimes I wonder what her world feels like,
What kind of person she really is, what she is like,
I'm not sure if what I feel is love, but I know it's certainly likeness,
So I pray to God, and ask Him for direction, so I don't end up in sadness,
For I know that He holds the keys to my life, so He knows what's best for me,
Marriage is an institution ordained by God, so He knows if she is right for me,
So while I sometimes think of her, I know not to rush things,
Hence, I decide I would be just friends with her, not rushing things,
Taking it slowly, one step at a time,
But somehow I feel this feeling is reaching it's prime,
So I try to stifle it, I feel I need to be focused on my future,
Instead of focusing on this girl's posture, in my mental picture,
But after all is said and done, I know that I certainly feel something within,
But while a part of me feels mere likeness,
Another part of me feels love and togetherness,
So, what to do, what to do?
I just sit back and let God have his way,
Let Him lead me; I'll do what He says, just His way,

For I've come to realize that if it is meant to be, it will be,
She would come around, if she is the right one for  me,
Desperation leads to worry, anxiety and even frustration,
So may be you feel the same way right now about love,
About someone you think is sent you from above,
But you're not sure what do to; well, I say let God have His way,
That's if you believe in God, which you should, there's no other way,
Love takes its time, it is never hasty,
But love is also never late, it is not lazy,
So wait for the right time, for if that love is meant to be, it will be. Peace.

Monday, July 4, 2011


From the shackles of an oppressive colony have we emerged,
From the bonds of "taxation without representation" have we come,
A nation driven by unity in diversity, and equality for all,
A nation free from dependence, standing tall,
So thus far have we come, in spite of the struggles,
Thus far have we come in spite of the battles,
And after more than two centuries later,
The Star-Spangled banner still waves,
Over the land of the free and the home of the brave,
And through the progression of time,
And the passage of seasons, we continue to strive on to our prime,
As we remain, America: Still Standing.

The past years have been very challenging,
We've had to deal with issues, so challenging,
We've been tossed to and fro by turbulent tides,
Yet in the midst of it all, we still maintain our prides,
Attacked severally by our enemies,
Lambasted occasionally by those who desire our death,
Hated by those who wish to stifle our breathe,
But through it all, we remain, America: Still Standing,

So as we celebrate our 235th birthday,
On this very historical day,
Let us not forget the almighty,
The one who's been our help in ages past,
Let us remember that we still are "one nation under God",
Therefore let us acknowledge Him in all we do,
Let us return to the foundation of His word,
For if we have come this far by God,
I think we will even go farther by God,
As we make laws and approve legislation,
Let us stop giving room to abomination,
For regardless of what happens, if we hold on to God,
We will always remain, America: Still Standing,

Let us stop the prejudice and the discrimination,
Let us stop hatred and an acrimonious disposition,
Let us stay together and love one another,
Be a helping hand to your next door neighbor,
For though we have varying religious views and belief systems,
Love, respect, equality, unity in diversity, are very important items,
Which we must apply and uphold,
I may not accept your way to God,
But that doesn't mean I should hate you,
So I guess all I'm saying is, Love all, Fear God, even as a nation,
As we continue to remain America: Still Standing.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Sometimes you wonder if he is still the same man you married,
You even ponder over whether to leave him or remain with him,
'Cause perhaps, he doesn't love you anymore,
Or doesn't treat you well as before,
But before you leave him and walk out the door,
Please remember your marriage vow-"for better for worse",
For no matter what happens, he is still your husband,
And if you stay with him, he will remain your "house-band"
So please in spite of his current attitude,
Stick with him and love him regardless,

He doesn't put the toilet seat down,
He is very unorganized; he litters his socks and clothes,
Love him regardless,
He sometimes forgets to help with the kids, or the dishes,
And sometimes you wish he could assist you some more,
I understand, but please still love him regardless,
May be he has cheated on you before,
And you feel like he doesn't love you as before,
No matter what has happened, pray for him,
And believe God for a change, while you keep loving him regardless,
You just never know; you constant love and fidelity might bring him back to his senses,
So please remember he is still you husband,
You vowed to love him for better for worse,
So in spite of his current attitude,
Just love him regardless,
For true love is unconditional and endless.


She seemed to have changed,
Not the same woman you married,
And sometimes you wonder what happened,
If you could turn back the hands of time, you would,
But regardless of what may have happened,
Remember your marriage vow-"for better for worse",
So please, no matter what happened,
Remember that she is still bones of your bones,
The one to whom you are joined in nuptial unity,
So stick with her and love her regardless,

Sometimes she excites you,
And at other times she upsets you,
No matter what happens,
Remember she is still an inseparable part of you,
So love her regardless,
For true love is unconditional,
It is endless, it is eternal,
Remember that she is still bone of your bones,
The one to whom you are joined in nuptial unity,
So please stick with her and love her regardless.

Through her imperfections,
In the midst of her whimsical dispositions,
Love her regardless,
Through the good and the bad,
In the midst of the happy and sad,
moments in your marriage, please love her regardless,
For she is still bone of your bones,
The one to whom you are joined in nuptial unity,
So please stick with her and love her regardless.

Friday, July 1, 2011


So I woke up this morning,
To a new dawning, a new beginning,
A little worried about something so insignificant,
Perturbed about something so irrelevant,
But as I began to pray,
Thanking the good lord for yet another day,
A realization took hold of me,
A reality just hit me;
It's a new day!
It's the first day of a new month!

This realization brought upon me a new feeling of gladness,
This realization ushered me out of a feeling of sadness,
For it is a new day,
And at the dawn of a new day,
Comes a new opportunity, to plan again,
At the dawn of a new day,
Comes a new opportunity to dream, believe, and hope again,

So no matter what happened yesterday,
Please let it go, for it is a new day,
A new month, and a new chance at life,
A new chance to love you wife,
Some more; a new chance to be a better a boss,
A new opportunity to get back up from your loss,
Draw up a new game plan, and get your head back in the game,
For one thing is sure, yesterday and today, will never be the same,

So rejoice and be glad, give thanks to the almighty God,

Who's given you a NEW DAY!
For your best days are still ahead!


Sometimes I'm lost for words to express the love,
Which I feel for you; an angel sent me from above,
You are all I ever wanted in a woman,
You make me feel like a real man,
So through the happy days,
And in the midst of the gloomy days,
I would stand by you,
So, baby please let me be the one to shelter you,
When the storms of life are raging,
And when the rain of life is pouring,
Please let me be,

Let me be the one to catch you when you fall,
The one to answer when you call,
The one that wipes your tears,
The one that would never leave you bare,
Honey, please let me be the sunshine in your cloudy days,
And let me be the one that brightens your darkest days,
What more do I want in a woman, 
For you have made me a joyful man,
So what more do I want in life,
When I have you as my wife,
So please baby, just let me be,

Let me be your provider,
Let me be your defender,
Let me be your protector,
Let me be your one and only,
A companion that will never leave you lonely,
For your are the reason I wake up each day,
With a smile on my face, every day,
You are my saving grace,
The one whose touch, kiss, caress, romance and love,
Leaves me in a better place,
So please, baby, let me be to you whatever you want me to be.
'Cause I love you and I know you're the only one for me.


It's the break of dawn,
You still haven't gotten some things done,
It's 3 am, you try to get some sleep,
Four hours later, the alarm clock chimes, time to lose the sleep,
You get out of bed,
Like an early bird,
Eat your break fast quickly,
It's rush hour, the kids need to get to school quickly,
A sigh of relief, you are at your place of work,
To begin the day's work;
It's what you do every day,
Your life goes on like this every day,
But in the midst your everyday life,
You never stop to think about your life,

It's always been about your comfort,
The pleasure of the flesh, every day needs and wants, no hurt,
You take care of the kids, and your spouse, provide their food,
Don't get me wrong, all this is good;
Working to make ends meet, living for your family; all good,
But when last did you stop to think about your soul?
There is more to life than just living for an earthly goal,
We all talk about job, financial, and even marital security,
But how about eternal security,
When last did you think about God, heaven, hell, eternity?
May be you still think Christianity, Jesus Christ, the Bible, are all a fairy tale,
May be you still think there is no God, heaven is just a fairy tale,
Life is to be lived to the satisfaction of one's self,
So all you think about is living for yourself,
Well, amidst the arguments, misconceptions, and man's philosophies,
It's time to start paying attention to biblical prophecies,

For death is a real thing, and so is the after life,
So when last did you think about Christ's life?
The significance of the cross and what Christ did for you,
It is better to live life like there is a God,
And die to find out there is no God,
Than to life life like there is no God,
And die to find out there is a God.
What would be your response when you appear before God?
So I ask, when last did you think about living for a caring and loving God?